a day with 누누 & 호호

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"Leo! Come here!"
Leo crawls over and makes grabby hands.
Hyuk picks up Leo and noses his cheek.
"We have schedule today, so you'll be staying with Shownu and Wonho for today, okay?"
Leo blinks at Hyuk not understanding a word he said.
Hyuk sighs and gets Leo dressed for the day.
"You'll be staying with nunu and hoho for today, okay?"
Leo nods.
Hyuk puts socks on Leo's hands.
"I need to clip your nails. They're getting long again.."
Leo squishes Hyuk's face with his small socked hands.
Hyuk smiles and finishes getting Leo dressed for the day.
He takes Leo over to the Monsta x dorm.
"Be a good baby. Okay?" He kisses the top of Leo's head.
Leo nods and Shownu walks Leo inside.
Hyuk heads back to get ready for the schedule.
Shownu lifts Leo and sets him on the fluffy rug. "I'll be right back."
Shownu goes to the other room.
I.M and Joohoney look at Leo.
"He's tiny..*
"I concur..."
"Should we join him?"

I.M and Joohoney join Leo and play blocks with him.
Shownu walks back and smiles at the scene. "Awwww."
Leo's tummy grumbles.


"Hyuk! Where is baby!?"
"At the Monsta x dorm."
"we have schedule today."

N pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I specifically told you. Leo was coming with me."


"Leo is coming with me, okay?"

~end flashback~

Hyuk's eyes widen.
N sighs.
"It's fine. It's fine. It's. Fine."
N walks out to the van mumbling to himself.
Ravi Ken Hongbin and Hyuk follow.

Shownu picks up small Leo. he sets him on the chair in the kitchen.
"I'll make you some baby breakfast."
Leo tiny claps.
Shownu hums as he makes breakfast for Leo and for I.M and Joohoney.
Leo hugs his Voodoo Doll plushie as
Shownu makes a bottle of warm milk for Leo and cuts up fruit for I.M and Joohoney.

A few minutes later Leo's tummy is full of warm milk and he gets sleepy.
Shownu picks up Leo and lays him on a little mattress.
Leo falls asleep.
Shownu smiles softly and continues on with his day, checking on Leo every once in awhile.
Wonho sits on the couch and chooses a movie to watch and keeps the volume down as to not disturb a sleeping Leo.

A few hours later 5VIXX arrive to retrieve their 6th. member.
N carries Leo to the car after thanking shownu and Wonho for watching him.
On the way back to the dorm,
N notices Leo's tummy peeking and gently pulls Leo's shirt back down.
Leo hugs his Voodoo doll plushie and remains asleep, napping.
N smiles and gently combs Leo's hair from his face with his fingers.

"Our sleepy baby."

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