a guide to care for Leo part 2

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Ravi sighed and pulled Leo off Hongbin, Leo whines loudly.
"Shut up and Behave!"
Leo goes silent and doesn't say another peep.
Ravi goes to the kitchen and makes Leo food.
Leo remains silent, and Hongbin gets worried and tries to make Leo laugh, but Leo starts laughing, but then stops immediately.

"Oh no...." Hongbin thought to himself as he looks at Leo.

~ the weeks pass and N is home~

"Leoooo, I'm home." N pulls his suitcase behind him and looks around.
Leo in tears looks at N. "Yeonie.." Leo sniffles.
N drops his stuff and runs over to Leo, "Leo, what happened?"
Ravi in the kitchen making breakfast hears that N's back.
"Hyung! You're h-..."
Ravi looks up at N who is very close to his face. "ome..."
N angry with Ravi.
"Why is Leo crying? Hm?"
"I told Leo to shut up and behave."
Leo back hugging N crying softly.
"You're going to give Leo cuddles until he falls asleep. GOT IT!"
Ravi nods rapidly.

~ a few minutes later~

Leo finished eating his breakfast and is now getting all the cuddles.
Leo falls asleep after three hours of cuddles.
N watching TV quietly as to not disturb a sleeping Leo. He smiles at Leo.

"Good night Leo." N says softly.

~ let me know if you have any fluffy and cute requests. ♪┌|∵|┘♪ 

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