New home and new school.

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-Steph's POV-

I'm so happy we have our daughter back! Not only that, but she's a natural Theorist. Before we went to the orphanage, we designed a room for Y/N, with a a Black and Lime Green color scheme. We got home and showed Y/N her room. We allowed her to get comfortable while me and Mat sat downstairs. "I hope she realizes she has to go to school." Mat sighed. "Yeah. Don't worry about it. We'll go shopping for school supplies and then she'll go to school next week." I reasoned. "Yeah, but the week after that they have a career day. I'm still not sure if I want to go or not." Mat said. "Go. Be there for Y/N. Speaking of which, Y/N! Can you come down?" I yelled. I heard her footsteps. "Yeah Steph? What is it?" She asked. "Your going to have to go to school." I said, the slightest bit bummed that she didn't call me Mom. "Oh okay." She said, walking back upstairs.

-Y/N's POV-

I lay in my bed. My closet is fully stocked with all the Game Theory shirts I could want, plus a few jackets. Don't worry, I have normal cloths too. I put on my shoes and walk downstairs. They looked up. "We getting school supplies or what?" I ask. I have never seen people move so fast in my life. We got into the car and May gave Steph and me some sunglasses. We put them on, and in a few minutes we're at Target. I pick out some school supplies and we manage to get everything on the list except for a bookbag. I had asked them for a Game Theory bag if they could spare one, and they said yes. Today's Saturday, which means I start school Monday. I hope I make some friends. I won't tell them MatPat is my dad unless they plan on coming to school for some reason. Anyways, I decide to sleep. It had gotten pretty late, and running from fangirls is tiring.

-Timeskip to Monday-

I got up earlier the Mat and Steph. I set my alarm for seven. My bus comes at 7:45 so I have time. I eat breakfast and put on a Game Theory jacket.

I pack my stuff into my bookbag and write a note to Mat and Steph

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I pack my stuff into my bookbag and write a note to Mat and Steph.

I pack my stuff into my bookbag and write a note to Mat and Steph

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I run out as the bus comes and I quickly get on. I sit in an empty seat. Apparently I was the last stop so we got to school fairly quickly. I get my schedule from the office and walk into my homeroom/1st bell. My teacher, Mrs. Palos, asked me to introduce myself. "Hi. My name is Y/N Patrick, and I'm a huge Game Theory fan. That's really all you need to know." Class went well. The end of the class alarmed me though. "Alright, and remember, career day is next Monday. And Y/N, I'd really like to meet one of your parents and see what they do." Mrs. Palos said, handing me a form. "I'll have to see if he can come. He has a fairly busy schedule." I responded.

-Timeskip to the end of the day-

I get home and open the door. I see Steph on the couch, and she makes a 'be quiet' motion with her finger. Mat must be recording or something. I give Steph the form for career day. She smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Mat came from his recording area. "Alright. Finished with that. Got any homework kiddo?" He said. "Yeah. Math and Science. Pretty easy though." I responded. Steph gave Mat the form and he filled it out. He gave me the form back and I went upstairs to do my homework. I finished in a few minutes. I'm so glad I didn't tell them I was bullied today. I was bullied because I bumped into one of the girls, and apparently they thought that I had been following them like a untrained puppy following it's owner. I grab a notepad I labeled Theories. I tried thinking of some, but I got nothing. I walked back downstairs to see Steph making dinner. She was making Chicken Alfredo and was almost done. I sat at the dining room table as Mat came in. "All finished with homework?" He asked. I nodded. "Dinners ready!" Steph said.

-MatPat's POV-

Y/N grabbed a small plate and slowly started eating. Me and Steph, on the other hand, grabbed a huge plate and started chowing down. "Hey Y/N? You alright? You seem to be thinking to hard." Steph said. "How could you tell?" Said Y/N. "Your doing the same thing I do when I'm think of new theories. What's on your mind n/n?" I said. "It's nothing important. I'm just thinking of new things to add to my FNAF board." She said. I nodded. I looked down to see I had eaten my entire plate. "So how was school?" Steph asked. "Good. I made some friends." She said. "What are their names?" I asked. "Baby, Ballora, Freddy, and Francis." She said. Steph looked at her, confused. "I'm joking! I didn't make any friends today. Though I didn't get a lot of compliments on my jacket and bookbag. Can wait to see how they react when they see you on career day." She said. "Aww well. Sorry you didn't make any friends. Maybe tomorrow?" Steph said.

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