Musical Talent.

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Time went by slowly today. The sub was nice, and we were able to listen to music. Finally I got to conditioning. I grab some of the poles and walk out. "Y/N! Where were you yesterday?!" Coach yells at me as I put up a pole. "Wasn't feeling well! And I can't stay late, I gotta help my father today!" I yell back. "Oh? What's he doing today, another theory?" She yells. "I can tell you! I'll let you know when it's posted on YouTube though!" I yell back. I see the girls struggling to get the net on top of the poles. Coach starts to get up, but I'm already over there. I jump up using Dark's strength and get it on. The other side got it without my help. I walk over to Coach to sign in. "Can you give me a hint?" She asks jokingly. "Batim. That's your hint." I say smirking. She got out her phone. "Hey! Don't use Google!" I say jokingly. "Oh go lead laps." She says, waving me off, and surprisingly enough, put her phone away. I lead laps and then warm ups. "Alright! I want you guys to see a real game setup." She says, addressing the 40+ kids there. She called most of her returners, but I noticed she left one spot open on one side of the court. "Uh Coach? You left a spot open." I say. She nods. "I know. Now go over there. It's your spot." She says. I run over and get some high fives. I blink a few times. I feel my eye change into my Septic Eye. I analyze the other group. Amanda, one if their back row players, I notice she isn't a solid receiver. I only glanced at them for a second, so they wouldn't notice my eye. I blink, and it returns normal. "Amanda's their weakest receiver on that side. Try and aim for her when you serve." I say. They look at me for a moment, then nod. Amanda's staring at me. I smile and wave like I'm oblivious.

-Timeskip brought to you by CatPat-

I run to the locker room. I need to save my energy for who knows how far in glitching. I grab my bags and run out to see Steph waiting for me. "Alright! Put your bags in and I'll take them home for you!" Steph says. I get in. "I don't want anyone to see me glitch." I say as I close the door. "I'll see you later Steph. Have a good night!" I say as I glitch away.

-MatPat's POV-

"Are you ready? You've been training your voice all day for this." AJ says. I nod. "Oh Y/N! Glad you could make it!" I say as I see her in the back of the room. "Yeah well, you invited me so..." She says. AJ gives me the script and
Y/N another copy. "Hi! Welcome to the Silly Vision Animation Studio, where magic is made and dreams really come true!" I say, and pump up my fist in victory. Y/N giggles. I give her a glance and see that her eye was green. I rub my eye and she blinks a few times, returning it to normal. "Our tour group is a little small today, but uh, *bling* no worries! Oh snap tastic! Snap crackle pop!" I say. "Sorry about that!" Y/N says. I smile. I hear the music come through my headphones. I position the lyrics do I can see them and take a deep breath.

"Come take a look,
It's nothing like you've seen
It's my trendy new Bendy Ink Machine
So amazing, it's crazy
Believe me, it's true
Allow me to show you what my Ink Machine can do!

Come take a peek
Cause nothing else compares
There's no fee so feel free to stop- and stare!
From the spout to the sprockets and the bits in between
I'm In LoVe WiTh My InK mAcHiNe Ah!"
I made my voice squeaky. YN starts laughing so hard she's crying. "It was a choice." I defend. "It was bold." AJ says. "A bold, masculine choice." I say.
That makes Y/N laugh harder.

-Y/N's POV-

I zone out, just listening to Mat's voice. This has to be one of the catchiest songs. It's going to be stuck in my head for years. I hear them say their done for the day and realize Mat didn't bring a car. "Hey, mind walking home with me Y/N?" He asks. I nod and walk out the door. I look over the script. "Hey Mat? How are you doing the Productivity line?" I ask. He smiles and takes the script. "Hmm... Productivity's a little low... Maybe We CaN fIx ThAt!!!" He says, his voice getting higher at the end. "AJ said it didn't feel quite right, but he didn't have any ideas so..." I take the script from him politely. I blink a few times, using my Septic Eye, then turn it normal again. "Hmm... Productivity's a little low..." Mat looks at me with a confused/concerned look. "Maybe we can fix that!" I say, my voice giving way to both Dark's and Natemare's. He look turned to a grin. "That sounded perfect! Here, do it again and I'll listen and practice!" He says, taking out his phone. He presses record and I say it again. "Thanks! I'll make sure I perfect it." He says as I walk in. "Hey guys! Y/N, you need to get to bed. Don't you know how late it is?" Steph says. I run upstairs and get changed. I jump onto my bed and turn on my lamp. It's dim enough that Mat and Steph won't see, but bright enough I can read. I glance at the lyrics, make a few notes, and the put it in a folder I had laying around. I turn off my lamp and close my eyes, to go into Dreamland.

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