Coming back

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-Steph's POV-

"Did you not see the line of black in her hair?!" I yell. "I did! I swear I'm going to punch something..." Mat says, gittery. "Calm down. I'm sorry I yelled. You can punch my hand if you want." I say, holding out my hand. "We're signing her up for drama right?" I whisper into his ear. "Yeah. This'll be a chance for her to get more friends. For now, I need to review Y/N's notes and see what I can use." Mat says. "She brought those with her. You'll have to wait." I say.

-Y/N's POV-

I left as soon as I heard Mat and Steph yelling, taking my notes with me so I wouldn't be bored. I grabbed a cloth headband on the way out and tucked my black strand into it. I walked into the bus and sat against the window. I walked into the school, making sure my headband was good. I put my stuff in my locker, then stop by my teachers to give them the assignment I did last week. "Nice headband Y/N." My English teacher said. I just nod and walk to science. "Ah, there you are. Veronica was asking for you all week." Mrs. Palos says. "Oh my gosh. I forgot to tell her." I stutter. "Hey, where were you last week? We missed you. NOT!" Some girl said, slapping me so hard I fell. "I'll have you know I was doing a job." I say, getting back up. "Where? 7-Eleven?" She scoffs. "No. I'm supposed to keep it a secret." I say. "What with the stupid headband? You hiding something?" She says, ripping the headband off my head. "Give it back!" I yell, annoyed. Mrs. Palos called security. "Or what? You gonna cry?" She laughs. "You want me to cry? I'll show you my tears." I snarl, feeling my cheeks heat up with Natemare's markings. "What the... Freak Face! Why don't you come get your headband?" She snarls. "Gladly." I say, then glitch behind her, grab it out of her hands, then glitch into my seat. I feel the markings disappear, and a sudden headache comes up. Security comes in and escorts both of us out. "Thank goodness your here! She punched me so hard I fell!" The girl says. "What?! That didn't happen." I say in disbelief. "You each talk with Mr. Cavanaugh, giving your side of the story." He says, bring us to his office. The girl goes into his office and I hum to myself quietly. "Isn't it lovely? All alone." The girl says, sassing me. "Heart made of glass, my mind of stone." I reply emotionlessly, walking in. "Hey..." I mumble, sitting in the chair. "What happened in there? Your a good student YN." He asks. "She got up from her seat and slapped me, so hard that I fell. When I got up, she stole my headband, so I went behind her and grabbed it back. I didn't threaten her, I just made statements." I say. "Can you tell me what you said and what she said?" He asks. I nod. "When she slapped me, she said, 'where were you last week? We missed you, NOT!' and I replied, 'I'll have you know I was doing a job.'" I told him the rest if what I said, he called her back in and asked me to stay. "Listen, Y/N, I'm not going to punish you, for all you did was answer Brittney's questions and get your stuff back. However, Brittney, you will have one week of suspension." Mr. Cavanaugh says. "You should expell her! She's a demon! She has a strand of ink black hair and her eyes had blue markings under them!" Brittney says. "I have black hair because I dyed it for my job. Not sure where your getting the blue markings from." I lie. "Do you know who NateWantsToBattle is? You looked like his Alter Ego Natemare!" She says, laughing. "Um, actually, I know who he is. I've been working on theories about Natemare for weeks." I say, standing. I go back to class, and hope that none of the egos show up.

-timeskip to tryout time-

I stretch, getting ready for the Indian run. "Y/N!!! Come here please!!!" Coach yells. I walk over and look up. "I need something that'll stop me in my tracks. Can you say something that'll do that?" She asks. "Excited? I got you. Hmmm. The prettiest smiles, hide the deepest secrets. The prettiest eyes, have cried the most tears. The kindest hearts, have felt the most pain." I say. "Still excited." She says. "Why, this is a crime scene, and your the victim." I say. "Nice one. I'm calm... No... scared now. Thanks." She says. I go to the front of the line and sigh. We start the run and people ask me to slow down. "It's called and Indian run Lasses. Not a jog." I say, not even aware that Anti spoke a bit. "Lass? Give me a break, your not Irish." The girl behind me says. "Sorry." I mumble. We finish, with me running to the front, careful not to glitch. "Passing! And Y/N..." Coach gives me a hard stare. "Why, this a crime scene, and your the victims." She says. "But hey, that's just a theory, a volleyball theory! Thanks for playing." I say, passing. I walk to the back of the line and hear a knock on the back door. "I'll get it!" I yell, running over. I open the door and see our medic. "Come on in." I say, smiling. I turn around and run into someone. I look up, and lock eyes with Anti. Everyone's staring at me in disbelief. "Leave. Leave it I'll call the police." I say firmly. "Can't I watch?!" He moans. "No. If you really want to watch-" I went into a whisper "-you can watch from my head with everyone else." He moans and walks out. "Hey, YN, who was that?" One if the girls ask. "His name's Antonio. He's a family friend and can get pushy at times." I lie. I ignore everyone except Coach the rest of the time.

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