Game Day

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(This chapter is going to be a bit longer then usual, because I'm basically just quoting the entire episode)
-MatPat's POV-
"So you might be asking yourself, 'why am I sitting here in this creepy recreation of a restaurant?' It's a good question. Today we're exploring the world of fear through animatronic survival restaurant horror gaming. Oh yeah, it's a real thing. Let's talk about that, shall we?" I say. I'll explain all that in a voiceover. "So I've invited four people, who, when it comes to horror themed things, I think are going to be perfect for today's challenge. So here we go, Trisha is going to pee her pants went she sees what we have in store for her. C'mon in guys!" I say, getting up. Each one of them will walk down the hallway, and just give us reactions. I invited Trisha Hershberger, Vernon Shaw, Rob Dyke, and Y/N. "Hey!" I say. "Hi Mat!" Trisha says as she hugs me. "Thank you so much for volunteering for this-Vernon, king of pain. We have a different king of pain in store for you." I say, getting interrupted as he hugs me. "Sir, I couldn't do a creepy episode without you my friend." I say, hugging Rob. "I'm here for you." Rob said. "I appreciate it. If we're able to scare you by the end of the day, I think, uh, Achievement Unlocked." I hear a cough behind me. "Hey kiddo! You know Y/N, your the first kid to ever be on Game Lab." I say. "Yeah well, of course you invite me for the spoopy episode." She scoffed. We sit down at the booth. "Uh, Trisha you don't scare easily do you?" I ask. "Well, I don't scare easily because I usually avoid horror situations at all costs " Trisha explains. Rob and Y/N nod in agreement. "Okay. How about you man, how do you feel about horror games?" I ask Vernon. "I think I'm, uhh... Medium Spicy in terms of..." Vernon says, gesturing to Trisha and Rob. We all laugh and I clap my hands. Then I notice Y/N had stayed silent. I have her a look of concern for a brief moment before going on. "Wait am I the mild or the spicy in this?" Trisha asks. "Who knows." Vernon responds, chuckling. "We do have a good range of Spiciness factor here. We got low spice-" I gesture to Trisha. "-Medium spice-" I gesture towards Vernon, "-and high spice-" I gesture toward Rob and Y/N. Trisha raises an eyebrow at Y/N. "I was quite excited for today's episode. I told you guys this, let me tell these guys. I was excited because it's Five Nights at Candy's. This is gonna be fun and then cute horror. Oh no, 'cause I found out that our experts for the day is the co-creator of the Blackout series of haunted houses, which you guys know. For you guys who don't know they are notorious for being some of the most extreme brutally realistic haunted houses on the market today. And so that's who designed today's challenge for us." Our expert comes in. "Thank you so much for joining us today. Thank you or not, we'll find out soon." I say jokingly. "S-so Josh, as co-creator of Blackout can you tell me a little bit about, like, what happens inside of these horror experiences?" Josh starts speaking. "You know we've done many, many shows over the last six years. You might if read some stuff about waterboarding all the way down to nudity. You do have to be over 18 to go through the experience. However, this one, over 12. And also, like this you will have to just sign a waiver before as well." Josh says. "So do I have to be worried about, like, naked animatronics today?" Mat asks jokingly. "Wait who's been reading my Tumblr?!" Vernon asks. "No one's been reading your Tumblr calm down." Rob assures. "Oh, any crazy physical impairments we should know about?" Josh asks. "I've heard tell of your weak ankles." Mat says to Trisha. "I have weak ankles, I fall down sometimes." Trisha says hurriedly. "They are legendary." Rob jokes. Y/N raises her hand. "I have Multiple Personality Disorder." She says. "Okay. We do have a medic on site today just in case." Josh says. "Just in case we need it for anything." Trisha says. "I'm prone to fear poops." Vernon says. "We'll keep that in mind. I think we should just get started and, frankly, I think you go first." Josh says, and points to Trisha.

-Y/N's POV-

He pointed to Trisha and I blew a sign of relief. We all get led to a separate room with some leather couches. At one point Trisha lost it and started screaming. "Ooooohhhh kaaayyy this is serious." Rob says. I close my eyes. Something I found out recently is that I can speak to others through their mind. I haven't told anyone about it, not even Mat and Steph. "Stay calm Trish. Your going to be alright. Just stay calm. Breath..." I think, sending the message to her. She started screaming again and then she came in. Vernon was next. "Umm... Something really weird happened while I was in there." Trisha said, glancing at me. "What happened?" Mat and I ask. "I... I heard a voice in my head. It... It sounded like your voice Y/N." She says nervously. "I can't speak to others telepathically, so... Maybe you were just trying to calm down and the thought just happened to sound like me?" I suggest, shifting in my seat. Vernon starts screaming. "That was louder then you Trisha." Mat says. "Vernon. Calm down. Your the King of Pain, you got this." I think, keeping my eyes open, and send it to him. "You alright Y/N? You zoned out there for a second." Mat asks worriedly. "I'm fine. I just... Screaming brings up bad memories. That's all I'm gonna say." I explain. Vernon comes out, and Rob goes in. "Trisha did you hear Y/N's voice when you went in? Or us it just me?" Vernon asks nervously. Mat's eyes widen, and they all stare at me. "What?! I can't even speak telepathically. It's impossible! Why are you staring at me?" I ask worriedly. I turn around and walk to the other side of the room. "Guess I don't need to comfort you. You've excepted your end Rob." I think, and send it to him. He walks out, and Mat goes in. "Guess their saving the best for last. Lemme guess, you heard my voice too?" I ask. "Yep. Though you didn't comfort me, cause I basically chose to die." Rob says like it's no big deal. "Why is everyone hearing my voice?!" I say. Wow I'm a good liar. "Stop it! Stop it! No! I will barricade you in!" I hear Mat yell. "Can down. Your dead meat if you scream. But I guess your already dead." I think, and send. Mat walks in and I walk into the office. I had a Lime green security shirt on. "Oh great. The phones ringing. Wassup PG?" I say. "Hello? Hel-Hello. And welcome to your Five Nights at Candy's Horror Challenge. Because nothing says terror quite like robots in animal costumes roaming around an 80's-era themed restaurant." He says. I give a small chuckle and check my cameras quickly. No one's moved. "If you think that joke was bad, you should try the hamburgers. Now I'm sure your all familiar with the game: moniter the security cameras, keep the animatronics out of your office, shut the doors for protection, blah blah blah... But there are a few differences... First, your not staying here for six hours. What do you think we are? Maniacs? Uhm. No... Just one. One solid hour of you all alone in the dark." I check my cameras again. Still no movement. It's twelve thirty. "Well, not alone, exactly... That meter on the desk monitors how much energy the room has. Using things like lights and doors and cameras uses that power up- and fast. Let it run out, and the doors will be stuck open." I look in the hallways. I don't hear anything or see anything. Do they know I'm in the office? Might as well stay quiet. "At that point, just hope the time expires before you do. What else what else what else... Oh yeah! Cameras will sometimes go offline. Old wiring and all that. And the door controls are actually on the door. Yeah, you gotta get up and push those suckers. Did you think they were for decoration? Oh and, speaking of, feel free to move. You can even leave the room if you want. This isn't a video game after all.
But, fair warning, the office is the safest place for you. Because if you think you're only dealing with the animatronics, oh, you are wrong. Last thing before I let you go. Stay safe!" PG hangs up. I look at my battery power. 97%. Huh. Could've sworn I've used more. I look at the cameras again. Every animatronic is in the main area where Candy starts. It looks like their arguing. Suddenly, I hear Trisha's, Vernon's, Rob's, and Mat's voice yelling. "It's me!" In my head. I shake my head, desperate not to scream. I am high spice here. I see Candy in the hallway to my right walking towards me. I wait till she's close then shut the door. I hear the bear scratching at the window. I look at the cameras. Candy's gone, so I open the door. I flash a flashlight at the bear and it stops. I flip through the cameras again. Their all in the Main Dining again. I look at my time. 4:00 already? Phew! Time goes by fast in this for me. I see the faceless bunny coming toward me in my right and shut the door when he's a few feet away. I look at my power. 50%. I nod. I haven't turned on any lights, because that would waste my power. I see the bear walking towards me on my left. I flash my flashlight and he walks away. He almost looks relieved. I hear a ding dong clock sound. "I made it. Didn't even scream either." I say, grinning. I get escorted out of the office and into the party room, where everyone's sitting down except for our expert, who isn't here yet. "Was it what you guys expected?" Tisha asks. "Yeah." Vernon and Rob says. "No! I expected to win Dammit!" Mat says. They all start laughing. "Looks like I stole that from you Mat." I say. He turns around. "There's no way on Earth you stayed in there longer than me Y/N. I was so close!" Mat says. "So close." Trisha says. "Eight minutes!" Mat exclaims. "Are you kidding?" Vernon asks. "I had eight minutes." Mat said again. I sit between Mat and Trisha. She starts laughing as Mat continues. "But, it's really interesting. Had I actually decided to run out of the room, in the opposite direction of the animatronics, I would've survived. Because I was so fixated on like, 'this was a my safe space, this is my area.' I didn't actually do it." Mat explains. "Hey, we never got to it, but did you hear a voice in your head
Y/N?" Mat asked "Yeah. You all screamed 'it's me' which was fitting." I say. They all give a nervous chuckle. "Hey!" Everyone says to Josh as he comes in. He sits down. "So, how did everybody do?" Josh asks. "Wwweeeeelllllll..." Trisha starts. "Didja have fun?" Josh asks. "Yeah. We had, we had 'fun'." Rob says. "Were you watching us?" I asked. "I was watching, I was actually taking some notes." Josh says. "Oh my goodness," Trisha says excitedly. "Uh, you actually stayed in the longest." Josh says, pointing at me. "You made it the whole night." Josh states. "There's no way. There's no freaking way." Mat says, while the others cheers for me. "You stayed second longest. You made it til' 5:52." Josh says. They all do a little victory thing while I keep quiet. I zoned out for a little while. "So why are do many people scared of like, Chuck E. Cheese, and animatronics? Why are people scared of what their scared of?" Mat asks. Before Josh could speak, I pipe up. "The fear of the unknown is the greatest fear. We don't know why this giant animal was alive, and talking, and trying to play with us as children. For me, facing fears head on was a good experience." I say. Josh nods his head, agreeing with me. Trisha starts laughing. "Get your mind out of the gutter Trisha." Me and Mat say, laughing. "In my experience, specificly with Blackout, it's all psychological. Nothing I could put in the room is gonna scare you as much as whatever your thinking in your head." Josh explains. I speak again. "I remember one thing Phone Guy said. He said, 'if you think you're only dealing with the animatronics, oh, you are wrong.' But he never tells us what that thing is. We're dealing with our fear as well. Facing our fears head on." I say. "OoooOooo good theory Y/N. I'm glad to call you my daughter." Mat says. "Wait. This one's your daughter?!" Trisha shrieks. "So, let's wrap things up here. When it comes to FNAC and real life Theorist responses, I think this was really interesting because, first off, everyone makes fun of these games because, 'oh you a security guard who's trapped in a single room and can't leave.' But, what I, myself experienced was, 'hey, that was my safe spot.' And I was scared to leave that room, even when I knew all the other animatronics were coming in. M-my fight or flight response was: hide in a corner-" Trisha started laughing at him. "Hide in a corner in the room where their attacking you. It's like, the biggest horror movie cliche, and yet it proves to be true when I was faced with that situation in real life." We all nod in agreement. Mat continues. "One if the things you don't really experience in the game, but do in real life is that, the animatronics, you see them coming at you. Sure there are certain corners that are tighter than others, but for the most part-" he snaps, "-you're, you have enough reaction time to shut a door, or flash a light, or run the heck in the other direction. On one hand, it works in your favor, because you see the horror coming at you, and like we've been discussing, once you see the monster, you kinda know what the danger is. You know how fast it's coming toward you. You know what sorta harm in might present you. So you become better prepared as a result. But on the other side, as you see it approaching you, you feel the pressure increasing and all if a sudden it's, 'I gotta flick it right now.' Which us a really interesting feeling. So, there you go. Th-th-that's something that, because of the nature of these games you don't experience, but in real life, it's a mechanic that exists. I think it's time that we- hey!" We pick up our party hats and grab the silly string underneath. "OoooOooohhhhh!" Trisha says. "I think it's time that we celebrate this birthday party." Mat says. "Party time!" Trisha yells. I don't hear the rest because I'm just try to dodge everyone. I didn't shoot it at all, but just gave it to Mat so he could 'defend himself.' We all try to open this weird box. "Here, let me try." I say. I shake it, hearing nothing, then muster up all of Dark's strength. I break open the box. "I broke it in half." I laugh. We end the video. We talk for a bit after we cleaned up, and Josh called me over. "Yeah? What is it?" I ask. "I noticed you were the only one to stay calm. Everyone else flipped out at one point. Why was that?" He asks. "What's panicking going to do? It's not going to help me. I just had to stay calm." I say. He nods and starts to walk away. "Can I explore the set? I wasn't able to get a good look." I ask. "Just bring someone with you." He says, and walks away. "Hey Trisha! You wanna explore the set with me?" I ask her. "Sure. Maybe we'll see the animatronics." She says happily. We walk around, and the people that were in the animatronic costumes gave me a high five. Me and Trisha exchanged numbers, and then I met up with Steph. She hugs me. "Great job! I knew you could do it!" She says, hugging me.

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