Fear not Death

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I had stayed in the lounge. The Strongman was my least favorite, and hopefully none of my friends die. I see them come back to the lounge. I don't listen much, except when they vote. "The first contestant going into the challenge is... The Detective." I cover my mouth in shock. "The second contestant going into the challenge is... The Record Producer." Calliope says. "You need to change for this. The rest of you may come watch." Mortimer says. I walk out and watch them do the feats. "Now for the tiebreaker." The woman says. I never learned her name. Mat lost, which meant he was going to be killed. "No! No!!" Ro screamed, being dragged back. I go up to his body and put my hand on his chest. "I choose you. I will come in for you, and await your return if it ever comes. Rest well, fair Detective. Rest well." I say. I get up and walk to the Lounge. "Who are you?!" Joey yells. Everyone looks over at Joey, then at me. "Oh you know who, murderer!" I yell, grab the collar of his shirt, and slam him into a wall. "Hey! Listen I-" Joey starts. "No, you listen! I watched everyone that came to your Dinner Party, Masquerade Ball, and here, Die! And do you know what that does to me?!" I scream. He nods no. I let him go and show everyone my arms. "This is what happens when someone dies at Joey's hands. You lost a powerful ally tonight, and you want to know what's funny?" I start laughing. "Everytime someone says your the villain, or doesn't believe what you say, they die." I sit on the lounge and Ro gives me a hug. I take my hood off and Calliope gasps. "Y/N? Is it really you?" She says. "Yeah, it's me sis. I go by Spirit now." I explain. "Alright Spirit. Why'd you choose Mat out of all if us?" Nikita asks. "I don't believe Mat deserved to die. I don't believe anyone deserves to die, even Joey." I say. Nikita looks unimpressed. "Because he's right. He's right about Joey trading nine lives for his. He's the only one that's dared to bring this up." I explain. "Cut!!! Lunch break!!!" Constance says. I stumble into the Trailer with Ro and we eat out Subway. My phone buzzes. "Hey Steph! What are you doing up so late?" I ask. "Well, I wanted to know how you were doing! I heard your sharing a trailer with Rosanna." Steph says. "Yeah. Hey Ro, can I put Steph on speaker?" I ask. "Sure thing Y/N." She says. I put Steph on speaker, and Ro sits beside me while I do my work.
"Y/N, you skipped number five on the math worksheet." Ro points out. I quickly do that problem, then put my work away. Steph hands up, and we still have fifteen minutes. I eat the rest if my meal, and put my sofa in the fridge. "Imma take a power nap. Can you wake me up when we get called back?" Ro asks. "Sure. What about your makeup?" I ask. "We'll deal with that problem when we get there." To says, laying on the bed. I hear her breathing deepen, and feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and jump up at who I see. "Can I help you Wilford? Also, why are you here?!" I whisper-shout. "Can't I say hi to a friend?" He slurs. "No, because I'm in the middle of a video series! Now leave!" I whisper. "Fine, but before I do..." He whispers into my ear, and kisses me on the cheek. "Gross!" I groan, then wash my cheek off carefully. I notice that a strip on hair had turned cotton candy pink. "Dark, can you change that to black or something?" I ask, redoing the mascara and cat eye makeup. I see it turn pitch black, darker then the normal natural black hair. I put on my cloak and decide I wasn't going to take it off the rest if my time at Everlock. I hear a knock on the door. "Ladies! Lunch break's over!" I hear. I wake up Rosanna and surprisingly, her makeup looked flawless. "Why is your hood up?" Ro asks on our way to the set. "Promise you won't freak out?" I ask. She nods, and I take off my hood. She just nods and slowly puts my cloak back on.

-timeskip to after the episode-

We finish right before sunrise. I run away from everyone, but Mat grabs my arm. "Why are you running? Aren't you going to congratulate me?" He asks. "Yeah, congrats. I got work to do." I say, trying to get out of his grip. "You haven't take your hood off since lunch break. Aren't you hot?" Mat asks. "It's still a bit cool out. Mat, please let me go do my work." I say. He finally let's go and I run to my camper with Ro. She's already in bed, reading a book. I get my folder out and start working again. I get all of it done by noon, and decide to take a walk. I get changed into some shorts and a film theory t-shirt. I look around the set a bit, humming. It's weird seeing the set in broad daylight. "YN! Whatcha doing?" I hear Mat say. I do my best to hid the strand of black hair. "Finish my work and couldn't sleep, what about you?" I ask, turning around. "I couldn't sleep either. It's weird seeing the set in the day huh?" Mat asks. "Yeah. Congrats on coming back. I was just in a rush last night." I say. "You really think I wouldn't notice huh?" Mat asks. "What do you mean?" You ask. "Y/N, I'm a Theorist, I look at every detail. You don't need to hide that strand of hair." Mat says, fixing my hair so it shows. "I thought you'd be angry." I mutter. "Why? It's just part of your costume, right?" He asks. "Yeah... Yeah it is." I mumble, walking around with Mat, then coming back to the camper.

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