Safiya & Tyler's wedding

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I fiddled with my fingers. "Mom, I've never been to a wedding before." I say nervously. "It'll be fine. Ro will be there, you've met Safiya." She comforts me. She was already in her dress, sitting on my bed, and I was still pacing. I take a deep breath. "Are you sure it's a good idea? I mean, so many things could go wrong!" I sigh. "Calm down. Nothing will go wrong. If anything feel different go grab one of us." Dad says, leaning by the door. "Alright... I'm going to get dressed. See you in a few." I say. They walk out,and I walk to my closet and grab the dress and shoes. I put them on, along with my earrings Mom bought me.

 I put them on, along with my earrings Mom bought me

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I walk over to Mom and Dad's room, and knock. "Come on in Y/N!" I hear Mom call. I walk in, and sit on their bed as Mom does my hair. I see Dad come out of the bathroom in his suit. "I haven't seen you in a suit in person before Dad. Your looking nice." I smile. "You too. What color lipstick are you wearing?" He asks. "If you must know, it's Bury Me In Lipstick. Safiya's Frankin-lipstick color." I smile.

-Timeskip to actually at the wedding-

It was after the reception, and everyone was sitting down. "Steph, I need some fresh air. I'll be back in a few." I say, excusing myself politely. I walk out of the room, only to be stopped by the bride and groom themselves. "Hey, where ya going?" Safiya asks. "I need some fresh air. I'll be back in a few." I say, walking outside. I lean against the wall, taking deep breaths. I hear cheers, and smile. I sneak in, sitting in between Mom and Dad. Safiya stops by our table. "You feeling okay? I saw you walking outside earlier." She states. "Yeah, I'm alright. It just got hot in here, with so many people." I smile. "Oh alright. Fair warning, if I fall, please clap." She says. Dad starts laughing his signature laugh, and Mom grins. After our lovely meal, we all converse, and the adults have a drink. With my parents permission, I walk over to join Ro and Husky's group. "Y/N! It's so nice to see you again!" Ro says, noticing me. "Yeah! The fan favorite Escape the Night BFF's are back in one place." I smile. Ro looks confused. "Have you not seen the fanart? You, Safiya, and my father are the fan favorite best friends." I say, taking out my phone and showing her fanart. "We have to show Safiya. That is too adorable." Ro says, smiling. (I could find any on Google, so imagine super kawaii Mat Safiya Ro art.) Ro basically shoves me in the direction of the bride and groom. "S-safiya? Ro wanted me to show this to you." I say, showing her the phone. "That's cute. Listen, we're going to get myself ready for the dancing portion, so stay tuned." She says, running upstairs. We walk to the dancing room, and they do their dance. Reminds me of Adams Family. I think. When that's over, everyone dances, and I kind of awkwardly sidestep back and forth. I'm not much of a dancer. I see Tyler glance over at me, then talk to Safiya. In my heels, I stood at Five Ten, Safiya's height. Her husband Tyler was Five Eight. Safiya nods at Tyler, who walks over, grabs my hand, and dances with me. I see everyone turn to us, and I blush in embarrassment as I dance with him. He dips me back, then lifts me up, and twirls me away. As we finish, everyone claps, and Dad comes up to me. "When did you guys rehearse that?" He asks. "We didn't. I guess they decided I needed to actually dance instead of awkwardly sidestepping. Oh and here comes Safiya." I say, looking behind Mom. "We did indeed decide you needed to stop awkwardly sidestepping. Your not that bad of a dancer Y/N." She says. I feel my eye changing, and I play it off like I have an itch. "I'm going to the restroom. I'll be right back." I say, excusing myself. I speedwalk to the bathroom, and look in the mirror. What the heck?! I don't have any negative emotions right now. I think nervously. My cheeks were getting the tear stains. I hear the door open, and splash my face, and quickly glance up to see Safiya. "Y/N, something's not right. What's wrong?" She asks. "Get away from me! Please..." I say as she reaches out to touch my shoulder. "Y/N, what's wrong?! Please, tell me." She pleads. "I'm a freak Safiya. I'm ruining your special day. I just..." I start tearing up. "Look at me. Please." She says. I take a deep breath, feel my features return to normal, and look up at the mirror. I turn around, and she hugs me. "How many people saw you running after me to the bathroom?" I ask, still crying. "Pretty much everybody." She laughs. "Okay." I laugh, tears streaming down my face. She wipes the tears from my eyes, and walks out with her arm around me shoulder. Everyone looks at us, and Safiya nods. I glance up confused, then get consumed in a group hug. We chat for a little while, and Safiya insisted that I stay with her and Tyler. Ro looks over in confusion. "Uh, Y/N, where did that come from?" She asks, laughing a bit. I cock my head to the side. "What do you mean Ro?" I ask, confused. "Your cheeks-' I cut her off. "That's all I needed to hear. Thank Ro." I say, then run outside. I hear my name called, only to be met with the ETN BFF'S and my demons behind them. Well, everyone but Dark. "Ro, Mat, Saf..." I start off smiling, then my face turns serious. "Get inside." I growl. Dad seems the realize they need to get the heck inside since I used his name, and shoves them in. "You three. Get back in my head. And so help me if you take over." I snarl. "We're affecting you Y/N. Your becoming more like us. Keep secrets from everyone that cares is what I would do." Dark snarls in my ear as they disappear.

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