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Mat had dropped me off at the Everlock site so I could get my costume and makeup done. "We need you to remove the sleeves dear." The woman that was helping me, who's name was Constance, says. "Why?" I ask. "We need to make it look at if you have scars alone your arms." She says. I take off the sleeves, and she gasps. "It's from the Orphanage. The girls would beat me up. They'd make whips out if vines and sharpen sticks." I say. She just nods and hands me my outfit, then leaves so I could change. I get changed and drape the Cloak over my shoulders, leaving the hood down.

 I get changed and drape the Cloak over my shoulders, leaving the hood down

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I step out of the trailer I'm in to show Constance. "Nice! Welcome, oh great Spirit Guide." She says, bowing. I shuffle a laugh and look at the time. "Oh geez! I need to go see if my teachers called me. They said they'd call me to go over notes." I say, walking back to the trailer. I grab the Monday folder and put each paper into four piles. One for each subject. I get a video call from Mrs. Palos and accept. "Hey Y/N! How are you- wow.  You look nice." Mrs. Palos says. I smile and hear a door open. "Ah! There you guys are. I just called YN, she's on the line with me, and she's in costume." Mrs. Palos explains. I see all my teachers huddle beside the phone. "Alright. You can review the work, and I'll get to it before we start shooting the first two episodes." I say. "When do you guys film, if you don't mind me asking." My math teacher asks. "All the contestants and actors are on a 'Vampire Schedule,' as I like to call it. We film and eat at night, then go to sleep during the day." I explain. They all review the work, and I thank them. As soon as they hang up, Constance bursts in. "You need to hide in the shadows for a little while. Their all by the fire pit before Everlock." She says. "Alright. I'll do my work during lunch break tonight." I say. Most if it was notes, and only a few work sheets, so I could manage. I get out if the trailer and hide in the shadows of a tree. I see Mat and Ro pull up, and I smile. I put up my hood, and I blended in with shadows. I foolishly stepped on a branch, so I hid. "Did anyone hear that?" Ro asks. "I didn't hear anything. Still, do you want to check it out?" Mat asks. I see Ro nod and they begin to walk over. I run to another tree, making no noise. I see Joey come and I snarl. I run to the Everlock set, making sure no one saw me, and hide. I see the blue clown and wave. She waves back. I had met the actors beforehand and became quick friends with a lot of them. The clown jumps out if the curtain and I hear screams. All if them come in and Joey locks eyes with me. He's the only one that can 'see' me. "Gimme a minute guys. Enjoy the carnival." He says, and walks over to me. "So your going to kill more?! Do you know how much pain you've cause me already?!" I whisper-shout. "Listen, Y/N-" he starts. "Don't call me that! That isn't who I am anymore. If your desperate to call me something, call me Spirit." I snarl. He goes to one of the carnival booths. I remain hidden, and watch him win a music box. I carefully walk towards him to get a better look. I glance at Ro and Mat, and their stuck. Their yelling something that I could hear: "The clowns here kill." I couldn't bring myself to run to Joey. I wasn't supposed to help them yet. "Mat... Ro... Why you guys..." I murmur. I see Joey open it and the clowns start 'killing.' I fall to the ground, breathing heavily. I see A few get kidnapped, Ro and Mat start running to a tent with Calliope, and I run with them. They can't see me though. I look outside. No clowns are coming near quite yet. They find all the jester hats, grab whatever item is in there, and runs. They get caught by clowns and tied to the Merry-go-round. They start spinning it and roll the dice of death. It lands on something and the ride stops. "Cut! Lunch break everyone! Remember where you are on the ride!" Constance yells. I help untie them so we can go to lunch break. I only helped Ro and Mat, because they were the lasts ones tied. "Thanks." Mat says. We all head to our trailers. Fun Fact, we didn't have enough trailers so I'm sharing with Ro. "Alright. Here's you sandwich Y/N." She says, handing me my Subway. "Thanks." I say, getting my school work out. I finish it and eat my Subway. "Hey Y/N, they did a really good job on those scars. Your character gets them when someone dies right?" She asks. "Yeah, just act clueless when I show up." I say. She nods and continues eating. We finish as Constance calls us back. We quickly check our makeup, and run outside. Everyone else is tied up waiting. "Sorry guys!" To says, and I tie her to the pole. "Who this, a costumed director??" Nikita asks. "You'll see." I say, giving a small glare at Joey. I run off and it spine again. Mortimer and Calliope come in shooting the clowns, and they run off. I follow behind them, glancing at Calliope who gives me a hard stare. I continue walking, ignoring her. "The Guide if the Spirits walks among you." Calliope warns them. Joey glances at me, and I give him a glare back. We walk into the lounge quietly.

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