That's just a theory, a Game Theory!

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"And now, for the first time ever, meet Y/N! She helped me come up with this theory, and I'm very proud to call her my daughter." Mat says. I get into the closet after Mat gets out. "Hi! I'm Y/N. I'm currently cramped in a closet, so that's fun. Now, don't listen to my father, I came up with this theory. I didn't help him. Have a good... Whatever time of day it is when you see this. Bye!" I say into the mic, and save. Mat had his phone in his hand. "I need a picture that I can use in the videos. Pose for me!" He says. I put a hand to my chin in a thinking pose, and he snaps a few pictures. Skip, who I had recently learned had been avoiding me for some reason, had rubbed up against Mat's leg. Mat's phone buzzed. "Oh geez! I need to get started on the Bendy project! I probably won't be home tomorrow kiddo. How can I make it up to you?" He asks. "You don't need to make it up to me Mat. I'll be fine." I say reassuringly. "But I feel like I'm not there enough. I feel like that's why you feel uncomfortable calling me 'Dad.'" Mat says glumly. "Here, send me a picture of the room where your recording and I'll come by. Promise." I say. He nods. "Well, Steph made dinner, might as well do eat," Mat said. We walk over to the dinner table. "I got a call from AJ earlier." Steph says five minutes into our meal. Mat looks up. "Their doing a girl's version of the FNAF musical." Steph explains. "Ah okay. I've got song lyrics to look at tonight for his Bendy Musical. I'll be home a bit late. Y/N promised she'd stop by, so don't be surprised if she just disappears for a few hours. If your worried, text me." Mat says. I continue eating, shoving my face so I wouldn't have to talk about school. Bullying is just getting worse for me, and I'm scared sooner or later I'll flip. "How's school going for you? Anything you need help on?" Mat asks. I put up my index finger as a start chewing and swallowing to say "gimme a minute." I take a deep breath. "School's alright. I'm doing fine in my studies, but I'll let you know if anything's wrong or if I need help with something." I say. Mat's and Steph's face turn very serious. "We've gotten multiple reports of kids bullying you. The school AND Mrs. Palos both called me saying kids were bullying you and hurting you. Why are you hiding it?" Steph says. "Because no one has ever cared for me before! No one cared enough to become my friend! I was bullied everyday if my life because I didn't have anyone who cared... I... I..." Tears were streaming down my face. "We care. Trisha cares. Mrs. Palos cares. Why do you think we don't care?" Mat asks. "Because everyone who's ever cared leaves. They've all left. It's why I'm so use to hiding stuff. It's why the demon I have now aren't my first demons. I... I need to go." I glitch away, realising what I said. I glitched to Mrs. Palos' house and knocked on the door. "Y/N? What's wrong?" She asked. "I needed something to do. You got any papers that need graded?" I say, avoiding the question. "Yeah, I do actually. C'mon in. It'll be nice to have some help." She says. I walk in and sit at her kitchen table, which had piles of papers that needed graded. "Why'd you come? It wasn't just so you could grade papers. That's almost every teacher's least favorite thing to do." She says. "I kinda snapped at my parents... I panicked and glitched here." I say. She just nods and hands me an answer key. "Mat and Steph, I'm really sorry. I just panicked and said what I had swept underneath a rug. I'm at Mrs Palos' right now. I promise I'll be back before morning." I think, then send to both of them. I started grading the papers, and just kept going until I made it through the stack. "Mrs. Palos, you alright? You don't look to good." I say. She looked tired and pale. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." She says, then coughs. I get up. "Do you mind if I feel your forehead?" I ask. "Go ahead." She said. I feel her forehead. It was warm. "Your a bit warm. Maybe you should take tomorrow off?" I suggest. "I guess you have a point... You'll be at school tomorrow right? Just help the sub if they need anything, alright?" She asks. I nod, and help put the papers away. "Thank you for your help. I'll see you when I get better." She says. I glitch away and glitch to the GTLive room. I walk upstairs and then to my room. I see Mat and Steph in the living room. "I'm back." I say. "Y/N! So you can talk to people telepathically!" Mat says. "I've been exposed! Oh dear lord don't do a theory on me for the love of all things holy. Only you guys, Mrs. Palos, Nate, Mark, and Jack knows. And I think Coach might be suspicious." I say. They nod. "Oh, and Mrs. Palos will be out tomorrow. She was running a fever." I say. "Hey, I know it's getting a little late, but do you wanna play some Super Smash Bros?" Mat asks. I look at the clock on the wall. 8:30. "Sure." I say. We walk down and Mat starts up the Switch. I choose Link, while he chose Mario. "Ah! Nintendo battle!" I say. Let's just say, I beat him twice as much as he beat me. Eventually I went to bed. Oddly enough, my demons stopped abusing me, so that was nice.

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