Thought I found a way

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I run home and grab my phone. I text Veronica, and she texts back that she was sick. I put my phone on the charger as Steph calls me down for dinner. I run downstairs, keeping my headband on and sit at the table. "Alright, we have breakfast for supper." Steph says. "Anything interesting happen at school today?" Mat asks. "Not that I can recall." I lie, hoping they didn't notice the bruise on my cheek. "Oh my gosh. What happened to your cheek?" Steph asks. "I fell." I lie again. "No you didn't, your eyes say otherwise." Mat says. "Some girl in my class slapped me." I say. "Did any of the Egos come out?" Mat asks. I think for a moment, then groan. "Oh God I think Natemare did." I say. Steph stiffens beside me. "They don't have proof. It's just her word against mine." I say, picking at my food. "Why is that strip of hair black?" Steph asks. This time it's my turn to stiffen. "Ummm. I technically asked Dark to do it." I say. "Why?" Mat asks dumbfounded. "Dark get rid of it for a minute." I mumble, revealing the pink color. "I like black better then cotton candy pink." I say, allowing Dark to turn it back to black. I hadn't eaten a bite. "Can I be excused?" I ask. "You haven't eaten though." Steph says. "I'm not hungry." I say. "Your excused." She says, and I walk upstairs. I sit on my desk and finished the homework that I had been assigned. I open a window and a bird perches on there. I look over, and see a falcon. "Sorry, I need you to go. Go on. Shoo!" I whisper. It squawks and readjusts. I sigh, and just let it sit there. I sand to myself softly, letting the breeze that came in carry it.

"I've been havin' dreams
Jumping on a trampoline
Flippin' in the air
I never land, just float there
As I'm lookin' up
Suddenly the sky erupts
Flames alight the trees, spreadin' to falling leaves
Now their right upon me

Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When a dream of dyin'
I never feel so loved

I've been having dreams
Splashin' in the summer stream
Trip and I fall in
I wanted it to happen
My body turns to ice
Crushin' weight of paradise
Solid block of gold, lyin' in the cold
I feel right at home

Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When a dream of dyin'
I never feel so loved
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When a dream of dyin'
I never feel so loved

I never feel so loved
La, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la, la-la

Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When a dream of dyin'
I never feel so loved
Wait if I'm on fire
How am I so deep in love?
When a dream of dyin'
I never feel so loved..."

The falcon squawks. I roll my chair over there. "Why are you here?" I ask it. It squawks in response. "Why, your about a year old aren't ya?" I ask it. It squawks again. I hear the door open to my room and the falcon flies away. "Who you talking to YN?" Mat asks. "No one." I say, turning around. "I just wanted to talk to you. Why didn't you eat? You looked hungry." He observes. "I don't know." I say. "You know that answer gives me more holes to fill in. Try again." He says. "I don't know Mathew! I'm different from everyone else! I process the world around me different! I don't even know who I am Mathew!" I yell, tears streaming down my face. I had been facing the window the entire time I had yelled. "You need to leave." I growl. He silently steps out. I jump out of the window, and run as far as I can. I stop running and look around. "What neighborhood am I in?" I mumble.
"Y/N?!" I hear someone yell. I turn around. "Justine?! I ran into your neighborhood of all places?!" I say in disbelief. "Come over here! Is cold out and aren't even wearing a jacket!" She yells. I reluctantly walk over. Might as well give you some backstory. Justine came to the orphanage, and wanted to adopt, but realized she was to busy with YouTube to adopt. I always watch her videos though. "Did you get adopted yet?" She asks. "Yeah. Super fantastic family." I say, faking a smile. "Then why are you out here?" She asks, sitting on the porch with me. "I had a falling out with them. Last time I ran I accidentally went to my teachers neighborhood!" I explain. I see a shadow look over us. "Gah! Sorry sir, you scared me." Justine says, jumping up a bit. "What do you want Damien?" I groan, using Dark's full name. "I told you not to call me that!" He snarls, picking me up. "Well, deal with it! And leave before I break your ankle!" I snarl back. He lets go and walks away. "Please don't tell me that was your dad." She says. "He's not. Let's go inside." I say. "Wait, your wearing sleeves? What are you hiding?" Justine says, trying to grab the ruffled up sleeve. I jump out if the way. "I'm not hiding anything!" I yell. "Then prove it Y/N!" She says, grabbing my arm. "I can't Justine." I say, giving up. She lets go. I pull up my sleeves. "I thought... I thought I found a way into a better life. Then my life worsened. Thanks for caring Justine." I say. She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Glad I could be there." She says, smiling in false hope.

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