It's Showtime... Almost

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I had gotten an email from the school. We we're hosting a show if skits and I was asked to do one with four teachers. Mrs. Palos, Mr. Cawthon, Mr. Funtime, and Mr. Blomst. I was supposed to come up with it, and no one else was able to join my group. I walk downstairs. "Mat? You were a theater nerd right?" I ask. "Yeah. Dinners ready, so we can talk over the meal." He responds. I sit at the table and start eating my rice. "Why were you asking if I was in theater?" Mat asks. Steph looks up. "I've been assigned to come up with a skit. My group consists of all teachers." I say. "How many?" Steph asked. "Four... I think I have an idea..." I say. Mat looks up. "Say the teachers dress up as my demons, and I'm myself. The song... You Can't Hide maybe? That FNAF parody?" I say. They give me a thumbs up. We eat the rest of our dinner, talking about random stuff. I run to my computer and see I got an email from one of the teachers I was teamed up with. "Hey Y/N! I'm so glad I could be partners with you! I can't wait to see your ideas!" It said. It was from Mr. Funtime. I get on an animation program and quickly animate my ideas. I was at a desk with a computer and a phone. Basically their just after me and I'm running all over the stage, and at one point I get into the audience. I send a link to everyone in my squad, and to Mat. I quickly get an email back from Palos. "Wow. I can help with costumes if you'd like. I've seen two of them." It said. I don't respond, but I do overhear something. "She reminds me so much of him Stephanie! I... I just don't want her to suffer the same fate..." I hear Mat say. "She won't. She has friends at school that stand up for her. They'll save her if she even thinks about it." Steph said. Save me from what? I get onto YouTube and search 'MatPat.' I scroll down until I see a video. 'Losing the Battle.' I click on it and watch. By the end I'm fighting tears.

I walk out after I make myself not look like I was crying. I see them on the couches playing Smash. "Mind if I join you guys?" I ask. Steph turns around. "Come on! And if you don't mind me asking, are you alright? Your face is a bit red and your eyes are watery and puffy." She says. "It was a video I watched. I'm fine." I said. "What was the video?" Mat asks. "Losing the Battle." I say. Mat and Steph stiffened. "Why would you watch that? Just, out of the blue I mean." Mat asks. "Because you compared me to him. You think my demons are going to make me die. Well, they won't. And Steph... I don't have any friends. I have classmates a future teammates." I say. They turn off the game. "What about Trisha?" Steph asks. "I meant at school. I have friends outside if school. I'm... I'm going to bed." I say. I tossed and turned all night,not getting a wink of sleep. I get on the bus tiredly and a new girl sits next to me. "Hey there." I say, smiling. She stayed silent. I noticed she had a volleyball bag. "You doing volleyball? I can introduce you to everyone if you'd like." I offer. She smiles. "Really? Thanks. I'm Veronica by the way." She said. "I'm Y/N! Nice to meet you. I'm putting on a show Friday, so you won't see me at electives." I say. We get off the bus and figure out we have all the same classes! I get all my classwork done early in all my class, then take a snooze. My core plus teacher let me sleep the entire bell. I walk to the auditorium, and see that everyone was there. "Alright! Now, does anyone need me to go over their lines?" I ask as I walk up. Everyone raised their hand. "That's fine. Now, Cawthon, your the ring leader, Funtime, your the group troublemaker, Blomst, your the musician, and Palos, your the scientist. I'll go over Mrs. Palos' lines first. You have the female song lyrics, so your are..." I cough, getting my voice ready. "'Bring you down here, in the dead of night. Keep you working, try to survive. We are secretly, watching you, too. Try are best to get at you.' Then you have an interaction seen with the ring leader. Can you just read your lines Cawthon?" I ask. "I hear a sound." He said unsurely. "It prolly' just a mouse." I say. "I see them in the dark." "I only saw a spark." "I know there's someone here!" "Not as far as I'm aware." Why don't you believe me?... Maybe you're right." "It's just another night." "But I heard a creak." "Just go back to sleep." "I'm always so quick to rage." "So go back to your stage. Wait... Now I hear it..." I say. I smile, and then go over the other lyrics. "Now, my lyrics act as if I'm making a phone call. Ahem. 'Their laughing while finding. I'm hiding, I'm trying. I feel like their lying, I feel like I'm dying. Their guiding me quietly, instructing me blindly. Afraid of what might be, I feel like I'm dying." I say.

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