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I see them waiting in my room. "No one can hear you when your in this room at night. Don't try and call for help." Dark says. "This again, huh?" I ask. MadPat nods. "Indeed. Tonight will be the last good night sleep in a long time. We just wanted to let you know that, we are always in your head." He said, grinning. They vanish, and flop on my bed. I sigh.

-MatPat's POV-

Me, Mark, Jack, and Nate made an emergency group chat incase our alter egos vanish, and now it's blowing up.

Jack: Anti's gone. I'm worried he found someone else. Someone to hurt.

Mark: Yeah, Dark's gone too.

Nate: Same with Natemare. Do you think they planned this?

Mark: IDK... Mat you've been unusually quiet. Your usually the first to respond.

Mat: MadPat's gone to. And I think I know where they all went.

All: WHERE?!

Mat: My daughter was taken by him today. I think they are all inside her. Trying to corupt her. She had blood all over her cloths from different wounds, an injection on her neck, and she said her ears were ringing.

All: We're coming to your house ASAP.

Mat: Okay. Bye.

I'm going to have her go to school. We'll cover her fingers in Band-Aids and she's just wear a jacket. The one with the thumb holes. I don't want to interrupt her sleeping, but Steph's awake. "Hey Steph." I whisper. "Hey Mat." She said. I lay in bed, and quickly fall asleep.

-Y/N's POV-

I wake up and put on my jacket with thumb holes. I also carefully put on some black leggings. I quickly pack my stuff and head to the bus stop. I'm in too much pain to eat right now. I put my hood up and walk on to the bus at it stops by. I hear whispers. I come to school and open my locker. I walk into Mrs Palos' classroom and she looks up. I take my hood off, and I notice my fingers have Band-Aids, and so does my injection wound.
"Y/N? No. My brain is messed up right now. Sorry." She says. "No, it's me. I'm here." I responded. She runs over and hugs me. "Not so tight." I groan in pain. She backs off. "What did he do to you?" She mumbled, looking at my neck. "Nothing serious." I say before I can think. I notice my voice is a slight bit deeper. "Can we make a deal?" I think. "What is it?" I hear Natemare ask. "Don't take control while I'm at school. They'll know something's up and-" I get cut off by Dark. "You want to cover it up. Alright smarty pants. We agree." I take my seat and earn many stares from my classmates. I just kinda shrink into my seat. "Alright class. Don't stare. Who knows what happened when she... Left." Mrs Palos says. She gives me a small note. 'See me after school. Your not in trouble, I'm just concerned.' it said.

-Timeskip to after school cuz I can-

I walk into Mrs Palos' room and shut the door. "What's up?" I ask. "If it isn't too much the ask, can I see what he did to you?" She asked. I ask permission in my head, and hear a yes from everyone. "I'll show you. But, you should be saying they." I say, taking off my jacket. She gasps to see the whip wounds. I show her my ear, which has a little bit of dry blood on it. I look at my wrist, thankful that I had covered the marks up. "Why is that covered?" She asked. "It was my worst one. It hurt a lot." I say. She nodded. "Can I stay here for a little bit?" I ask. "Of course." She smiled. I hear giggling in my head, and Natemare says, "oh! MadPat has a crush!" I smile. "Dude she's already married. Back off." I say in my head. I hear the faded voice of Mrs Palos. "Sorry, what was that?" I ask. "I asked do you know why they wanted you. Do you?" She said. I nod my head no. I look at the clock. "I should go. Thanks for allowing me to stay. Also, don't tell anyone about this?" I say. She nods and I walk out. I put on my jacket. I decide to walk to a nearby forest. I find a tree and punch it. My fingers start to hurt, but I keep punching it. "Keep going keep going keep going." I mutter. My voice switching to Dark's. I coughed. I grab my bookbag and walk home. I see Mark, Jack (I know it's Sean but I don't care) Nate, and Mat. "Where were you?!" Mat asked. "I stayed after school. Sorry." I said. They all get off the couch their on. I back up as they walk closer. "Get away! All of you!" I screamed. My voice changed to all of their pitches. They backed up. "You were right Mat. Geez a weeze." I hear Mark say. "Yeah well, that's just a theory." I say in MadPat's pitch. I cover my mouth. I look at all of them with fear in my eyes. They look scared as well. I run upstairs and lock myself in my room. "Y/N? You aight?" I hear Nate say. "You know, your Alter Ego is one of the worst I've seen." I respond. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah. I don't know if my ears will heal. I know the other wounds will heal though." I say. "Your ears will be fine." Nate says. I open the door and choke him. "Don't. Argue. Against. Me. Alright Nateyboy?" I get tackled by Mark. "Get off me you fool!" I yell. I hold my head. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I.. I need to go." I stutter, running out.

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