Too Much

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I shove on a Chaos Theory hoodie and yawn. I had finished all six freaking gates, plus the seventh one that hadn't come out to the public. Dad had asked me to play through them, and I did. I didn't use guides or help, and only came out of my room to eat or get groceries with Mom. And with two secret all nighters that only Mom and Dad knew I pulled, I was able to finish. Mom gave me a mug of black tea. It was like coffee, but I'm not a huge fan of coffee, so... I take a sip as Dad yells: "Tell your friends about the ARG for me!" I smile, and grab the ARG handbook I made while playing. I wait at my bus stop, slowly sipping my tea. I get on the bus, and it heads toward Veronica's stop. She sits next to me as I yawn. "If I fall asleep in class can you wake me up. It's a high probability I'm taking a nice nap during core plus." I say. She notices the bags under my eyes. "What happened to you? You look like you pulled all nighters all weekend." She asks as I yawn again. "Because I did. I have this mug of tea that should help me stay awake. I can't tell you why I stayed up so late though." I say, smiling. She looks at my hoodie as the bus stops at our school. "Your parents doing another ARG?" She asks. "You know it. Tell your friends." I smile. I get to my locker, and put my stuff inside of it. I take a sip of my tea, then seal the lid. I take out my normal school supplies, my ARG notebook and my Game Theory pencil case. I walk into my class and walk to my table. At said table, me and Veronica are the only ones there, so we each agreed we get one of the tables, since said table was made if two smaller tables. I was the first one in there, surprisingly, and looked over at Mrs. Palos. "You look like your weekend consisted of all nighters Y/N." She says. "Because it did. I had to do something for my dad they took all weekend." I yawn as Veronica comes in. "Hey Ver, do you know when the next Fazbear's Frights book comes out?" I ask. "Yeah. 1:35 AM comes out May Fifth." She says. "Great. Thanks. Good golly Anne that was a lot of side notes." I sigh, taking another sip of my tea. "Why'd you stay up so late?" Mrs. Palos asks. I show her the sleeve to my hoodie. "I had to decode a whole bunch of this, watch some Game Theory episodes with glitchy affects, brighten up images, darken images, look at the source codes... I basically worked on a FNAF type theory session all weekend." I yawn. "Could you show me an example of a secret picture or something?" She asks. "Sure." I say, getting up and going over to her laptop. I go onto and click on an all black picture. "If you look closely, it just a black picture. Nothing there. But, if we brighten it up, you'll see the puppet." I say, doing what I just explained. I then clicked on a FNAF four picture, and went into the source code. "If you notice here, there is a recurring number. Hey Caleb, when did the bite in FNAF four happen?" I ask. "1983." He answers. "And how do we know that?" I ask. "Because of the source code." He answers. "Bingo. I was basically doing stuff like this, but... Game Theory themed." I say.

-After School-

I lazily dragged my feet to the gym. Couch was heading the opposite direction, and tossed me the keys. I grabbed them and continued to lazily go to the gym. "Mercedes... Can you put up the net?" I as, yawning in the process. "Sure thing." She says. I toss her the keys and get dressed. I sit on the locker room bench and drink some of my now cold tea. I hear glitchy laughter and instantly my tiredness is gone. "Just wanted to make sure you were awake lass." I hear in my ear. "Couldn't you have done that this morning?" I mumble, walking out of the locker room. "Well, I wanted to make sure you were awake for your first game." He says. I look around and see the game day stuff out. "I totally forgot! Good thing I keep my uniform in my bag." I say, running in and taking off my hoodie. I quickly put it on, and see Coach talking with everyone. Everyone's in their uniform. I walk over, and see the other team come in. People have already started piling up the bleachers. "Y/N, your in charge of fixing errors. If a ball goes out of bounds, and it's our fault, your after it." She says. I nod. We do our warm ups, and the game starts. I see Mom, Dad, Mark, Amy, Jack, Signe, and Nate in the bleachers. Coach has me off to the side, and I quickly glance over at the other team. "Ah, okay. Their number seven isn't that solid of a receiver." I realize aloud. We're about to serve, and Veronica, who's serving, looks over. Number seven. I think, then send over to her. She looks worried, so I nod, and she nods back. The whistle blows, and Veronica serves it at number seven. It brushes he arm, and hits the floor. That happens about a good five times before they manage to save it. Coach trades me out for one if our front row players, and the second I step on the court, the whole mood changes. "We're taking this set, and no one's going to stop up." I say, grinning. The whistle blows, and it hits one of our players arms, and thrusts towards the wall. I glitch over, saving it, but in my momentum, I slammed into the wall. "Ball's up!" Coach yells. The other girls look over, surprised. It hits the ground in-between them, and Veronica helps me up. Instantly their Coach calls a time out, and I listen in quietly. "I don't know what the heck happened, but what I do know is that number 16 isn't normal. She's a front row player, yet she can reach the wall in seconds. Keep an eye on her." I hear. I turn to my group. "It's best if I'm a decoy for now. After a stunt like that, they'll be watching me." I say. We all nod, and I get ready. They return it, and I call for the ball. Their blockers instantly run toward me and jump, but the ball went to the opposite direction. They manage to get it up, surprisingly, but it goes to the top of the net. "I got it!" I say, glitching over. It was a joust. Someone on both sides jumps up, and tries to push the ball over. Since gravity was a thing, we had a limited amount of time. "Not today." I snarl, and force it back. We go back down as the volleyball hits the floor, and my eyes widen. I had injured her.

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