Why Me?

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I hide in my room. I play a song on Spotify. I started singing along, ignoring every weird thing that has gone on. As the song finish I heard applaud from outside my room. It was late, shouldn't everyone be sleeping? Was I singing it that loudly? I don't open the door, but I look at my Theorist Board. I glitch into Mrs Palos' classroom. I look at her fish and smile. I walk into the orchestra room and grabbed a Cello. I play a song, El Toro, that we're doing for the concert. It help keep my mind off things. I put the cello away and walk around. It's so much more relaxing when it's quiet. I walk into the Band room. The chairs were all stacked up on the sides of the room. I hear four sets of footsteps and I turn around. I relax a little when I see it's my Demons, but not too much. Then I realize it's the actual YouTubers, not the demons. I glitch into Mrs. Palos' neighborhood. I look at the sky. It's the crack of dawn. I'm surprised my wounds don't hurt. I hear a door open. "Y/N? What are you doing out here?" I hear a man ask. "You are?" I ask. "Mr. Palos. My wife is inside. She's been worried sick about you. You should try and cheer her up." He said. I walk inside, and see Mrs Palos grading papers. She looked up. "Y/N! Okay how did you jump off the second story and not get hurt? I was worried sick!" She says. "That doesn't matter. I'm fine now." I say. She looks at me with a straight face. "Can you show me how you did it?" She asked. I sigh. "Can you go into the guest room, then hollar when you on there?" I ask. She gets up and quietly walks into the guest room. I hear her hollar and I glitch into the room. I hear her kids walk by. One of the younger ones are asking to play hide and seek with her siblings. "Hey, mind if I join in?" I ask. "Yay! We have a new player." Said another sibling. "Any rules?" I ask. "We get five minutes to find a spot." The eldest said. "Why don't you all hide and I'll seek? I need a break from grading anyways." Mrs Palos said. She's pits a timer on her phone and we all scout for a spot. I see a shelf in one of the closets that will support my weight, and I won't be seen easily. I focus on the shelf then glitch up there. "Ready or not, here I come!" I hear Mrs. Palos say. I think the eldest sibling hid in the same closet as me. She didn't even see me! I see Mrs Palos open the door and I hold my breath. She looks down and sees the eldest. "Found you. Now I need to find Y/N." She said. "She found everyone already?" I ask in my mind. "Looks like it" I hear Dark say. I see the youngest look straight at me. "I found her!" She screams. Everyone rushs in and look where she was pointing. "How on Earth did you get up there? The only person that I've seen able to do that kinda stuff is AntiSepticEye in Jack's videos, and that's just special effects and editing." The eldest said. I stiffen as I feel Anti try and gain control. "Not now. They don't know!" I whisper-shout. I feel my body get it's strength back. "I'll seek. Go find a spot." I say as all.of them but Mrs Palos scramble off. "Let me-" I interrupt, "I got it. Thanks though." I glitched out, and started to find them.

"One, two, Y/N's coming for you.
Three, four, better lock the door.
Five, six, I will find you.
Seven, eight, it was too late.
Nine, ten, I'm halfway there.
Eleven, twelve, I. Found. YOU!"

I walk into a room that I heard all the children whimpering in. "What's wrong? What scared you?" I ask. The eldest stood up. "I know it's foolish, but I thought I heard... Anti. I know, you think I'm crazy but-" she stuttered over her words. "No no lass. That was me." I explain. All of their heads perk up. One of the eldest's eyebrows perked up. "Here. I'll do the song again." I say and clear my throat. After I do it, I hear a knock. I hear a scream and a slam of a door. "Stay here." I say, glitching downstairs. "There's some guy with a tux and he glitches and-" Mrs Palos stumbled. "Where's Dark?" I say through gritted teeth. I get no response. I open the door to see Dark. "What are you doing here Dark? I thought my mind was enough." I say, highly annoyed. He chuckled. "Come now. Your not annoyed at your ol' pal Dark?" I grit my teeth. "I'm not, but you scared the living daylights out of my teacher. You have no right to call yourself my pal either." I snarl. He crosses his arms. "Mad was right with his theory." He said, thinking. I stiffen. "What theory?" I ask. "That if we, or you for that matter, hurt someone or scare someone or do something negative to someone, you get defensive." He said. "Why me? Why do I have to put up with this?" I snarl. "Because your the only one who understands it! You have had other demons!" He yells, then disappears. I shake my head. "I'm sorry Mrs. Palos. I don't know what he was thinking." I say, trying to apologise. "Your like a parent to a demon." She says. "More like four." I say. "Listen, I think I scared your kids during hide and seek. I need to go." I stuttered. I glitch out and go into my room. I hear the door open and four pairs of feet. "We couldn't find her. She kept glitching." That's all I hear before feel myself stand up. "Who's got control this time?" I ask. "Uh... No one?" I hear MadPat say. "Great. I'm absent minded." I sigh.

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