Shake It Off

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Taylor Swift – Shake It Off

"Rumors started yesterday that child star and social media influencer Taylor Kolbeck is relocating to her hometown of Detroit to be a special consultant on a police investigation into the recent spike of android deviancy." Taylor snorted as she watched the newscaster deliver the headline. Rumors that were spread by Alex, no doubt. "The star confirmed the rumors this morning via Twitter.

"Taylor has been in the top five most followed accounts across all social media for several years now and has held the number two spot on Instagram for almost five, topped only by Instagram's own account. She has also been a very outspoken voice for the android rights movement, using all of her social media accounts to press the issue since the first reports of deviants hit the internet."

Taylor sighed, clicking out of the news story and pulling her earbuds out of her ears. She wasn't in the mood to hear the news team discuss her motivations this early in the morning. She knew that Alex would be on the phone to tell her exactly what everyone was saying about her later. She had insisted he stay home in California to be with his daughter instead of following her to Detroit. His kid was an infant, and he could harass her just as well remotely.

You can't get these years back, you know. Kids grow up fast. Even still, he'd been reluctant to let her go alone. His love for his family eventually won out, however. Taylor glanced out of the window, watching the buildings of Detroit blur by as she made her way to the DPD precinct. Her driver slash escort hadn't said a word past "ma'am" to her since he picked her up this morning, but she was enjoying the silence as she processed being back in the city she had grown up in.

Before she knew it, the door was opened for her and she stepped out onto the sidewalk, sliding her sunglasses on her face to block out the sun. As she had expected, there was a handful of reporters waiting to receive her. They all started asking questions at once, shoving their recording devices toward her to catch any snippet she had to offer. There were a couple of police officers holding them back, looking none too happy about it.

"Taylor! Is it true you're working for CyberLife now?"

"Taylor, what do you have to say to the people who say you're switching sides against the androids?"


Taylor smiled at the crowd and waved at the handful of fans that had shown up on the off chance that they might catch her arrival, but she let the driver escort her to the door without saying anything in response to the flood of shouted questions. Alex had already warned her that people were speculating, and she was fine with it. The less anyone suspected why she was really here, the better.

Ditching her driver at the door, she made her way across the lobby while pulling the sunglasses from her face. There was an android receptionist behind the counter who smiled as she approached.

"Good morning, how may I help you?" Taylor glanced at the android's LED before meeting her eyes across the counter.

"I'm here to meet Captain Fowler. I have an appointment." Glancing down at her watch, she continued apologetically, "I'm kind of early, though. I can wait."

"Please present your I.D. so that I may register you." The android responded, glossing over her concern with absolutely no acknowledgement. Taylor frowned as she dug out her driver's license and slid it over. The android picked it up and turned it over in her hand, LED flashing yellow as she scanned her in.

"Thank you. Captain Fowler will receive you immediately. Please proceed through the security checkpoint to your left and someone will escort you to his office." She blinked as the android returned her I.D. and smiled. "Have a nice day."

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