Jar of Hearts

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Christina Perri – Jar of Hearts

Connor was fairly sure he had the concept of a stylist down based on the information he had searched for on their way to the building where he and Taylor now stood. She explained to him as well, saying that the stylist would help them dress for the night's event and get ready. In her case, that meant extensive hair and makeup.

He was more fixated on the point that he would be expected to wear a different suit. Multiple times he had raised the argument with Taylor in the taxi and while standing here, waiting for someone to appear. Each time, she had waived him off dismissively.

"I am required by CyberLife to wear my designation as an android at all times." He tried again, willing her to look up. Taylor was busy tapping away on her phone, however, and paid him almost no mind.

"Connor, it will be fine." She said again, patiently, though she still didn't bother to look up. He was about to protest again when she glanced up at his face and winked. "You have an LED, remember? Everyone will know you're an android."

He was taken aback by her sudden gesture and remained quiet. She returned to the phone screen, fully absorbed by whatever she was doing on the small device. Until the doors across the ante room finally opened, and a petite, redheaded woman swept into the room.

"Taylor, honey!" The newcomer descended on Taylor, pulling her down to kiss both of her cheeks. Then she held on, keeping Taylor at arm's length while she gave her a once over. "You look terrible. When is the last time you slept? So bad for your skin."

"Jen? What are you doing here?" Taylor was blinking at the other woman in a daze, still in a bit of shock from the whirlwind entrance. Jen had moved on, though, releasing her as she looked Connor up and down.

"Alex told me you were going out in public. Of course I came. As if I would let some plebian dress you." She said in response to Taylor's question, but she was still doing a circle around Connor. "Who is this tall drink of water?"

"This is Connor. He is one of my partners investigating the deviant cases, but he is coming with me to the party tonight. I was hoping you might have a suit." Jen turned around with her eyebrows raised, looking personally offended.

"Might have a suit, she says. Don't insult me. Now come, you're wasting time and there's much to do. Those raccoon eyes are going to take forever to hide." Taylor looked somewhat sheepish as she followed Jen back through the door from which she came. Connor hovered there for just a moment before he deduced that he was supposed to follow them.

On the other side of the door was a world entirely foreign. Mirrors lined the walls in so many places they looked to be the wallpaper itself. The lights were hot and bright and everywhere so that he felt like he had stepped out into the noonday sun. Some of the mirrors were vanities, onto which many strange tools had been arranged. Connor could only guess they were all related to the hair and makeup Taylor had mentioned, there were too many for his processors to categorize at once.

Jen had led Taylor to a row of mannequins which were displaying a series of gowns, from simple to intricate, shiny to jet black. Taylor was listening to Jen's explanation about the designer of the dress while she brushed her fingers against the fabric of the skirt. When she saw him looking around the room in a daze, she gave him a smile.

"Yes, yes, pick the one you want. I'll find a nice Armani for your android boyfriend." Jen had followed Taylor's line of sight and rolled her eyes at the blonde. Taylor's head whipped back around, but Jen was already walking off, gesturing for Connor to follow her. "Anton is in the back. He'll help you get dressed. I'll come back to fix your face."

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