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Chicago - Roxie

Taylor stood at the sink, fiddling with her hair in the mirror. The small cut on her forehead stood out against her blonde hair. The bruising hadn't been as bad as she expected, she'd covered the worst of it with makeup, but she'd have to put a bandage over the cut. No matter how she tried to style her hair, it wouldn't stay hidden.

Sighing, she let the strands fall back into place and reached for her bag. The android attendant gave her a friendly smile as she exited the restroom and ventured back across the lobby. Another android greeted her at the desk. "Good morning. Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes. Taylor Kolbeck, here to see Rachel Bailey." The android continued staring at her while its LED flickered yellow, processing. Taylor fiddled with her DPD staff badge, trying not to think of Connor and the night before.

"Welcome, Miss Kolbeck. Please proceed to the elevators on your left. Miss Bailey's office is on the 49th floor. Someone will direct you as you get off the elevator."

"Thank you." She followed the instructions, taking the elevator up. As she stepped off, there wasn't another android there to greet her, but Rachel herself. The brunette pulled her into a hug immediately.

"You look like shit," she muttered into Taylor's ear, making the blonde laugh despite herself. Rachel pulled away and inclined her head in the direction of her office, leading her down the hallway.

As soon as the door was closed, Rachel glared at her from over the desk. She flopped down into her chair and tracked Taylor with her eyes as she eased into the seat across from her. "I want the truth, Taylor. I know you aren't here to give me an exclusive."

"How do you know that?" Taylor answered, trying to keep the note of defensiveness out of her voice.

"Well for one, you're still part of the investigation, if that lanyard around your neck is any indication. So you still can't give me any real details of the case, can you?" Rachel crossed her arms. Taylor glanced down at the I.D., frowning.

"Not exactly," she conceded.

"Then why are you really here, Taylor? Tell me what's going on." Rachel leaned forward, placing her elbows on the desk and fixing Taylor with her best penetrating stare. Taylor wondered if this is what the people she'd interviewed over the years received.

"I need a favor."

"I figured." Rachel didn't even bother feigning surprise. "Unfortunately for you, I'm busy and I don't come cheap."

"What do you want?" Taylor hesitated as a smile stretched across her friend's face, almost predatory in nature.

"The truth." Rachel leaned in. "Why did you really come to Detroit? Why did you agree to help CyberLife? What were you really doing in L.A. before you left? What's with you and that android?"

Taylor felt her hands clench on the arms of the chair. Rachel glanced down at them and then back at her, waiting. "I came here because I needed to understand what was happening in Detroit."

"That's not good enough and you know it."

"It's the truth though." Taylor swallowed. She didn't look away. "No matter where I went or who I argued with, the story was always the same. Deviants are killing people in Detroit. I had to come here, to know why."

"Did you figure it out?" Rachel asked next, narrowing her eyes.

"I think so. I'm not sure." The blonde bit her lip and did glance down this time, thinking. "I don't know if it's enough, Rach. It's complicated. But CyberLife was a means to an end. It's impossible to get closer to this without associating with CyberLife. I didn't have a choice about that."

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