Things That Break

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Miranda Lambert – Things That Break

Connor waited for Taylor to return from speaking with Elijah, passing his coin across his knuckles. He was trying to be patient. Patience was a virtue, that was one of the human phrases he was learning. He didn't like it any more than any of the others he'd learned so far.

When Taylor finally did appear at the end of the hallway, he had to tell himself not to rush toward her. He wanted to scoop her up into his arms, crush her to his chest, never let her go. Just watching her walk toward him, a thoughtful look on her face, felt surreal. He still couldn't believe she was back.

Instead of running to her, he caught his coin in between his fingers and tucked it into his jacket pocket. Then he stepped into her path. Her head raised, her eyes catching sight of him, and she smiled. His hands twitched forward, longing to touch her. In the time in which he couldn't, the desire had only grown stronger.

"Connor," she said, stopping just in front of him, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. The sound of his name falling from her lips was music, and he remembered every time she'd ever said it, every time she'd gasped it while they made love.

But her eyebrows were drawing down in concern. She reached her hand out to touch the lapel of his jacket, and he almost shivered. Her eyes were moving over his face, glancing at his LED, and she said, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," he said, but he wasn't sure. He was overwhelmed. She tilted her head, considering him. Then she reached forward and slid her hand into his, pulling him forward.

"Come with me."

Connor didn't protest as Taylor pulled him along, down one hallway, then another. She opened a door, stuck her head in, then closed it and moved on. She did this several times, and he had no idea what she was looking for, but he was content to go along.

When she finally pulled him into a bedroom and closed the door behind them, locking it, he thought she was about to start taking off his clothes. He wouldn't have objected, didn't even care if they were in Elijah's room right now.

But as she pushed him down on the bed, taking his face in her hands, he could tell by her expression that her mind was elsewhere. She hadn't brought him here for that.

"Connor," she said again, her thumbs brushing across his cheeks. There was a plea in her voice. "Tell me what's wrong."

They were alone, and once she had told him that he could touch her whenever and however he wanted if they were alone. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, and he brought his hands up to her waist. She made a small noise of surprise when he slid his arms around her and fell backwards into the bed, pulling her on top of him.

Another small noise escaped her as she landed, pressed fully against him, her nose brushing against his. Connor turned on his side, bringing her with him. She landed, her hair all in her face, and he reached up to brush it away.

His fingers lingered there, in the space below her ear, just beneath her jaw, where her pulse used to be. He stared into her eyes, the ache in his chest still there, still raw. She hadn't said anything while he lifted her, manhandled her into the bed. Her face was still scrunched with concern.

"Come here," she said, snaking her arms around his neck and pulling him into her. He went, eagerly, pressing his face into her chest and tightening his arms around her middle. She slid her leg over his hip and curled it around him, pressing closer still, until there was no more room between them.

Burying her hands in his hair, she curled her fingers through the strands, stroking his head, down his neck. He closed his eyes, finally, relaxing.

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