Did You Hear The Rain?

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George Ezra – Did You Hear the Rain?

Connor opened his eyes, in the backseat of Hank's car. They had arrived at the home of Elijah Kamski at some point while he had been making his report to CyberLife. Taylor was sitting on the hood of the car, legs crossed in front of her, watching the lieutenant pace back and forth on the phone.

The blonde was strumming her fingers against her knee and glancing between Hank and the house in the distance. Her stress levels were currently at 47% and rising. Connor opened the door and stepped out of the car just as Hank ended the call. "Is everything okay, Lieutenant?"

"Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants. He said he was saved by Markus himself," Hank told them as he slid the phone back into his pocket. Taylor's fingers immediately stilled, her eyes widening.

"Is Chris okay?" She asked, nervous. Hank glanced over at her and nodded.

"Yeah, he's in shock but he's alive." Taylor looked relieved. She slid off the hood of the car and followed the two of them toward the house, a few steps behind, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"Kamski left CyberLife ten years ago. Why do you want to meet him?" Even Connor seemed uncertain of their motives for being here.

"He created the first android to pass the Turing test. And he's the founder of CyberLife. Anybody can tell us about deviants, it's him." Hank responded as they approached the door. He reached out to ring the doorbell, but Connor couldn't help but notice Taylor shifting on her feet behind them.

The door suddenly opened. A blonde android stood in the doorway, staring out at them attentively, but no one said anything. Connor was staring at the android in confusion, but he turned to stare at Taylor now, at their identical faces.

Nearly identical, he amended. Taylor had a small bump in her nose, her chin was slightly pointier. The android looked like a version of Taylor that had the imperfections smoothed over. And the eyes were all wrong. The android's eyes were a solid blue.

"Hi, uh. I'm, er, Lieutenant Anderson, Detroit Police Department." Hank was the first of them to recover, though he was still staring at the android in front of them with unease. "We're here to see Elijah Kamski."

"Please come in," the android smiled and opened the door wider so that they could enter. Hank led the way in the foyer. Taylor hung back near the door, as though they might change their minds and leave at any second. "I'll let Elijah know you're here, but please, make yourselves comfortable."

She left, no reaction to her doppelganger at all. Connor turned toward the blonde, who was staring up at the portrait of Elijah, still silent. Hank didn't have any qualms about asking. "What the fuck is going on with that thing? It looks just like you."

Taylor turned her eyes away from Elijah's likeness to look at Hank. "My stepfather, the current CEO of CyberLife, was one of the first major backers of Elijah's projects. Chloe was designed to look like me."

"Isn't Chloe the name of the character you played on that kid show?" Hank asked, his voice tinged with a stunned disbelief. Taylor just nodded. "Christ." Hank muttered, sinking into one of the chairs on the far side of the room to wait.

"Do you know Elijah Kamski?" Connor asked her.

"We've met," she said distantly. "I haven't seen him since he left CyberLife." Her fingers starting strumming against her thigh again as she glanced around the room, waiting. "Not in person, anyway."

"So, you're about to meet your maker, Connor. How does it feel?" Hank asked, breaking the pregnant silence that had fallen over them a moment later. Connor turned away from the photograph he'd been looking at, of Elijah and a woman who looked like Amanda, and walked over to join the lieutenant.

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