No One Is Alone

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Into the Woods – No One Is Alone

"I'm not entirely sure I understand the point of this," Taylor repeated, her face scrunched up into a perplexed frown. Connor glanced between her and Markus, the latter appearing the portrait of unruffled calm.

"Josh contacted us this morning and said that the tower may not be secure," North intervened, ever the straightforward one. Markus frowned at her, but she kept going, ignoring him. "They're running interference, but it's not safe for Markus to return right now."

"So don't go back to the tower. There are plenty of other places to stay in Detroit." The frown hadn't shifted from her face as Taylor turned her attention to the redhead instead. "Didn't Raj set up other safehouses while he was there?"

"The safest option is to remain here. It will only be for a day or two. President Warren has already agreed to it." Markus cut in, trying to sound reasonable. "Since the hearings began, much of the human population has started to return to Detroit, as well. That limits our options and our movement."

"We can all stay, then." Taylor said next, looking between the two of them. Softly, she added, "I don't like the idea of the two of you staying here alone. Even if it's just for a day."

"Everything is going to be fine, Taylor." Markus stepped forward, placing his hands on her shoulders as he said it. "Try not to worry."

"I can go to CyberLife when we arrive in Detroit," Connor said, trying to sound conciliatory. "I will assist Josh and Simon in making sure the tower is secure. You can return tomorrow."

Markus and Taylor both turned, the former appearing grateful, the latter slightly horrified. She opened her mouth, seemed to reconsider, and closed it again, settling into a concerned frown instead. He had thought to set her mind at ease but had somehow done the opposite instead.

"Thank you, Connor." Markus said, nodding to him. "You see? There is nothing to worry about."

Taylor shifted her blue eyes back to him, looking like she had everything to worry about. She didn't say anything, though. She must have thought it would be futile to argue anymore. Instead, she said, "We're going to be late."

"I'll see you soon," Markus squeezed his hands on her shoulders before he released her, stepping away. She just nodded in return.

Connor led her out of the hotel, taking her hand. Frank was indeed already waiting for them by the curb, the car idling, their bags already loaded into it. He didn't seem surprised that it was just the two of them, so he must have already known about Markus's arrangements.

The protesters were still outside of the hotel as well, and when the two of them appeared, they all started shouting. Connor pulled Taylor closer to his side and hurried her toward the car. Frank met them halfway and escorted them the rest of it, shoving both of them into the backseat and closing the door.

Connor still had a grip on Taylor's hand, and he squeezed it to draw her attention back to him. Frank slid into the driver's seat and pulled the car into traffic a moment later. Connor still had his eyes locked on hers, the slight puckering of her lips into a frown, the lines in between her eyebrows where she had drawn them together.

"Are you upset?" He said finally, when she just kept staring at him, her hand still in his. Her lips quirked, almost into a smile, before her features all smoothed over. She turned back to the window.

"No. Worried." Her head rested against the seatback and she watched the scenery as it passed, stared up at the buildings as they waited at the traffic lights. "This doesn't feel right."

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