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Lorde - Bravado

Taylor arrived bright and early the next morning, managing to avoid the press this time. She approached the android at reception with a smile. "Hi, I'm Taylor Kolbeck. I'm working with Lieutenant Hank Anderson—"

"Good morning, Miss Kolbeck. I have your temporary pass that identifies you as a staff consultant to the Detroit Police Department. Please wear this at all times. You may now use the staff entrance to the right." The android returned her smile with her friendly customer service version as Taylor accepted the badge and attached lanyard. It had her name and title printed on it next to what looked like one of her stock photo headshots and the DPD logo.

"Thank you," She responded, placing the lanyard over her head and pulling her hair through it. Heading up to the precinct, she quickly realized that there were very few people who had arrived. Her eyes traveled over the androids standing perfectly still in the docking stands. She found it a bit unsettling, but she continued walking past, following the smell of coffee brewing.

When she located the lounge, she also found the first signs of life. The detective from the night before was standing at the counter waiting for the coffee to finish, his back to her as she stepped into the room. He immediately looked up even though she thought she was being quiet, a smirk lighting up his face.

Taylor thought back to the night before, when Connor had intervened and told them to lead the android out of the room. The detective had been furious, his fingers twitching towards his gun until Hank had appeared in the doorway. She eyed the gun on his hip now, shifting away from him subconsciously.

"You're that famous chick, right? The one who loves androids?" He stepped closer, closing the distance between them, not noticing or not caring about her uneasiness.

"Taylor Kolbeck," She tried not to grimace at his description of her, and instead stuck her hand out toward him. He glanced down in surprise but did take her hand.

"Detective Gavin Reed."

"Nice to meet you, Detective Reed." She forced herself to smile as she pulled her hand back.

"I remember you now. You were on that kid show. Chloe's Corner?" His grey eyes trailed down her body, and even though she was wearing jeans, boots, and a jacket, she felt suddenly exposed. "You're certainly grown up now."

"That was a long time ago," was the only thing she could think to say as Gavin took another step closer. He was only an inch or two taller than her, but she felt like he was looming over her now. Her heart was thrumming in her chest as she tried to lean away.

"Good morning, Miss Kolbeck." Taylor sucked in a breath when she heard the familiar voice of Connor behind her. Gavin moved his gaze over her shoulder, glaring at the android. "You're here early."

"Good morning, Connor!" She turned her body toward him so that her back was to Gavin, hoping that they couldn't hear the distress in her voice, but knowing that Connor probably could. She realized her hands were shaking and shoved them in the pockets of her jacket.

"Our friend the plastic detective is back in town!" Gavin's voice came from over her right shoulder, laced with sarcasm. Connor ignored him, his brown eyes fixed on her blue, his eyebrows drawn down in that now familiar look of concern.

Gavin finally stepped around her to approach the android and she let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding. She retreated to the counter and turned away from the two of them, glancing around for the coffee mugs. They were still talking, but she couldn't focus past the buzzing in her ears.

Her eyes found the stack of Styrofoam cups and she reached for one. Her fingers were still trembling, and she dropped it, cursing under her breath. She up righted it and reached for the carafe of coffee, trying to steady her hand. Of course, she failed miserably and spilled several small puddles across the counter. "Shit."

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