Pursuit of Happiness

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Kid Cudi – Pursuit of Happiness (Nightmare)

Taylor paced back and forth, waiting for her summons. Connor was following her with his eyes from his seat by the door. Her right wrist was in the splint that he'd gotten for her yesterday, so her left hand was tapping against her thigh as she walked. It was essential to get all of the nervous energy out now.

The door opened and she startled, turning. She expected Frank or David, who escorted them between the hotel and the hearings, ready to take them to the chamber. What she did not expect was Markus, quickly trailed by North.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice came out strained.

"It's good to see you, too, Taylor." Markus gave her an unaffectedly cheerful smile. Taylor felt herself tensing, until she felt Connor's hand on her elbow. He had stood from his chair and came to stand by her side. "Based on what Connor told me, I thought you could use some backup."

She turned then, and because he had moved so close, he was right there. She glared at him. He stared back, silent but not backing down. He just squeezed her arm gently. She couldn't say anything else to him now, so she turned back to Markus. He was watching the whole scene, looking between them with the smallest of smiles.

"Did you not listen at all to Raj's warning about Helping Humans?" Her emotions were going haywire, but she knew it was only because she was terrified. Markus being in Detroit felt safe, and seeing him here, in front of her, had sent the world tilting.

"We did actually. That's part of the reason we're here." North cut into the conversation, giving Markus a look out of the corner of her eye that left him chagrined. Taylor had a hard time reading it.

Of the founding members of Jericho, North had never exactly warmed to her. Because she had spent so much time helping deviants escaping, she was fully aware of North's model and had respected her boundaries. Because of it, North almost felt like a stranger to her, one that was nearly hostile.

"North is right. We have androids showing up in Detroit daily. Apparently, we've already been infiltrated." Markus glanced back at her, fixing her in his dual-colored stare. "A non-deviant android parading as a deviant doesn't hold up very well to questioning, turns out."

"We felt that Markus would be safer here, for the moment. Josh and Simon are in charge in the meantime." North frowned.

"Also, as I said, it appeared you could use some backup." Markus smiled again. Taylor felt herself start to relax just a little bit, until his eyes dropped down to her wrist. "By the way, what happened to you?"

"She was assaulted by a protester." Connor spoke up immediately, just over her shoulder. She had opened her mouth to speak, to brush him off, but she closed it again instead, frowning. She looked between the two of them as they stared each other down, feeling like she was missing something.

A knock at the door broke the brief silence. North moved to open it, then stepped aside and let the newcomer inside. If the arrival of Markus had thrown her for a loop, she certainly hadn't expected President Cristina Warren to come walking in next, flanked by her security personnel.

"I may have acquired some extra backup." Markus said by way of explanation, smiling again at what must have been the ridiculous look on Taylor's face.

"Miss Taylor Kolbeck. It's a pleasure to finally meet you." The President stepped forward, offered her hand. Taylor forced herself to move and take it. A smile touched Cristina Warren's face, tinged with mirth. "I believe you dated my son once."

"Oh. Yes. A while ago." She knew her face was turning red. She couldn't think of what else to say. "It's good to meet you, too, Madame President."

"I've been watching your progress over the past week." President Warren released her hand. "Keeping in conference with Vice President Mills. Our plan is to introduce an Equal Rights Act for deviants by the end of the week. We must achieve some semblance of peace and I hope to do it soon."

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