Never Be Like You

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Flume – Never Be Like You (feat. Kai)

Taylor opened her eyes, but when the sunlight flooded her vision, she groaned and pulled the pillow over her face. A vice was squeezing her skull, and the memory of the dozen glasses of wine she'd consumed the night before crashed over her with a wave of nausea. She laid there in misery for a few moments until the queasiness passed, before rolling over and slowly sitting up.

"Someone turn off the sun." She put her head in her hands, trying to remember where she had packed her ibuprofen. The sound of shuffling in the room made her snap her head up. She instantly regretted it, at the stab of pain that originated behind her eye and went all the way to the base of her skull.

Connor was pulling the blinds closed on the window, and the vague memories of the night before started to flitter before her subconscious. The more she remembered, the more anxious she became, so that when he turned around, her face was twisted into a grimace.

"You stayed?" It was all she could think to say as he looked her over, that familiar expression of concern knitting his brow.

"You didn't give me a final answer," he said by way of explanation. She slid out of the bed and walked over, digging through her bag for a headache remedy.

"What time is it?" She asked, the pill bottle rattling as she pulled it free. She dumped a couple into her hand, stared at them for a few seconds, then dumped a couple more.

"Ten twenty-seven," Connor responded. Her hand froze on the bottle of water she was reaching for, but only for a second. She'd already tossed the pills in her mouth and chased them.

"Alex hasn't come?" Was her next question as she lowered herself into the chair at the vanity, a sudden wave of dizziness hitting her. Connor hovered by the window, watching, but didn't come any closer.

"He came by a couple of hours ago. I told him you were asleep." She glanced up, eyes wide.

"He came here and you answered the door?" Her voice inadvertently raised a couple of octaves and she winced. Connor blinked at her reaction.

"Yes," he replied, uncertain now. Taylor groaned and covered her face with her hands. "Should I not have?"

"No, it's okay. You didn't do anything wrong," she peered up at him, her lips twitching into a smile. "I'm just never going to be able to convince him we're just friends now."

"Oh." She'd been busy imagining Alex's merciless teasing after she'd told him straight to his face the night before that she didn't have any feelings for Connor and then finding said android in her hotel room. The soft tone of his voice brought her attention back to the present.

She locked gazes with him, suddenly self-conscious. There were erratic strands of hair falling into her eyes, she knew her head must look like a rat's nest, with makeup smudged around her eyes. Not that any of that mattered.

"I'm sorry for whatever I said to you last night." She could still only remember bits and pieces of their conversation. Enough to know that Connor had tried to convince her to say yes to Markus, she had cried in front of him again, and she vaguely remembered trying to kiss him. He tilted his head, considering her.

"Will you reconsider Markus's proposal?" Taylor frowned, but her headache had started to ease off. She stood and moved closer to him.

"My reasons haven't changed. I still think you should do it." Connor frowned back at her.

"The reason being that you don't think that you can?" She glanced down, but he reached up to touch her face, bringing her attention back to him. "I believe in you." Her eyes widened. "What if we both do it?"

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