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Halsey - Ghost

Connor moved through the near-silent halls of the Detroit Police Station with no destination in mind. Normally at this point in the evening he would have put himself into sleep mode, but tonight he was restless. Because he was restless, he kept running diagnostics, making sure he had not developed any errors in his programming.

Taylor had not shown up since she had left the crime scene earlier. Logically, she had gone home. He didn't know why his mind kept coming back to the blonde, wondering where she was, or why she had been so upset after they had caught the deviant. They had completed the mission.

He was still working to reconcile what she had told him this morning, about helping deviants to escape. That didn't reflect on the case. She'd sworn that she wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their progress. Yet she'd been so distressed over arresting the AP700.

Connor paused, tilting his head as he heard a noise. Shuffling, echoing from down the hallway to his left. There were still several police officers in the building, some working late to finish reports and paperwork, others stuck on the overnight.

Turning on his heel, he strode down the hallway toward the origin of the sound, ears perked for another clamor in the quiet. The lights were dim in the hallway as he moved down it, his internal clock informing him that it was 10:27 pm.

He heard another faint rustling just ahead, too soft to hear if not for his android senses. He continued towards a door on the left. Referencing the blueprints in his head, he knew it led to one of the overnight sleep rooms for the cops, but at last count they had all been present upstairs. He reached for the knob and pushed the door open without hesitating.

Taylor was curled up on the cot in the corner, her back leaning into the wall and the thin blanket pulled around her lap. Her phone was open in her hands, her thumbs scrolling across the screen at their usual mind-numbing speed. Blonde curls were falling into her eyes as she glanced up, hearing him enter, her eyes widening in surprise.


"Taylor?" He responded, his voice tinged with equal surprise. He was uncertain how to react now that the source of his unease was now before him. "Shouldn't you be at home?"

He thought he saw a grimace pass over her face, but it disappeared just as quickly. The phone in her hand buzzed and she went back typing, her hair falling into her eyes once more. The ends were slightly damp, like she'd just showered.

A moment of silence passed before she looked up at him again, a smile quirking the corners of her mouth. "You don't have to stand there in the doorway. You can come in."

Connor stepped through the threshold, standing a few feet away, glancing around uncertainly. Taylor's smile widened and she patted the spot on the cot next to her. He hesitated before lowering himself down awkwardly, trying to mimic her posture as best he could. She was giggling by the time he managed to cross his legs.

Her phone buzzed again, and she started typing, turning her attention away once more. He studied her face. The glowing light from the phone screen made the exhaustion around her eyes more apparent than that morning, the dark circles prominent. She finished whatever message she had been sending and tossed the phone onto the cot, leaning her head back against the wall.

"You look tired." He said carefully, remembering her response this morning when he had tried to point out her lack of sleep. She gave him a skeptical look and rolled her eyes.

"In my experience, that's just a polite way of saying 'you look like shit'." She must have read something in the expression he gave, because she nudged his shoulder with hers and gave him a small smile. "I'm just kidding."

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