The Room Where It Happens

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Hamilton – The Room Where It Happens

"This emergency meeting of the House and Senate is hereby called to order by the Speaker of the House, Ronald Berkley." The sound of scuffling throughout the room, from the many assembled members of Congress, was nearly deafening. Shuffling of papers, clearing of throats, shifting in seats.

Taylor sat perfectly still beside him, her head facing forward, waiting. Outwardly, the picture of composure, her hands folded neatly on the desk. Connor could sense her heartbeat fluttering inside of her chest. Her hair was pulled into a perfectly tight bun, not a strand out of place, and as usual she didn't seem to notice the cameras in the room or the people staring at her.

More than normal, they were staring at him, he noticed. In interest, with disgust, indifference. As in meeting Secretary Headley the day before, there was a marked absence of androids around, and so he had become something of a spectacle with his LED so boldly on display.

Taylor bowed her head along with the prayer. She stood for the Pledge of Allegiance, holding a hand over her heart. When the room finally settled back into their seats, there was a brief moment of silence, the first since the host of people had assembled in the room.

All eyes turned to the blonde woman, seemingly at once, even the cameras zooming on her face, and she bore the brunt of their attention without flinching. Connor knew that she must be used to such fanfare, but he still found it rather impressive.

"Taylor Kolbeck, you're here as representative and ambassador to the android uprising in Detroit, Michigan." The Speaker was talking directly to her, and so she focused her gaze on him in return, effectively ignoring the rest of the people in the room. In the beat of silence that followed his statement, she figured she was meant to respond.


"Deviant androids have taken control of the city and most of the population has been evacuated." The Speaker leaned into his podium and looked at her over his wire-rimmed glasses. "Our first priority is to return Detroit to its rightful owners. Many citizens have been displaced from their homes and business has all but ground to a halt."

"Androids are not taking up residence in human homes." Taylor had tensed in her seat, but it was almost undetectable. Connor was sure he only saw it because he was sitting right beside her. "They also are not a significant danger to the human population, as evidenced by the significant number of humans who stayed in Detroit after the evacuation order."

"Deviant violence toward humans has been well documented." The Speaker glanced toward Connor subconsciously, then back to Taylor, trying to pretend like he hadn't.

"In isolated incidents. I would remind you that Markus led the revolution without harming anyone."

"There were a number of casualties at Jericho, if I recall." The Speaker frowned at her. Connor felt Taylor's stress levels wildly spike. Her nostrils flared, and she reached for the glass of water that was placed in front of her, taking a long sip. He remembered the soldier she had shot in Jericho, the one who had been a second away from killing him.

There was nothing he could do to comfort her. She placed the glass back down and looked up at the Speaker again. "Jericho was attacked. Some people defended themselves. Not everyone was content to die quietly."

Speaker Berkley's face blanched a deathly shade of white. He worked his jaw for a moment, but before he could open it again to respond, the person to his left cleared his throat. Connor glanced over, identifying him as the leader of the Senate, Vice President Aaron Mills.

"I believe we are gathered here to come to terms. Not to squabble over details." He gave a subtle side eye to his colleague but kept the majority of his focus on the blonde woman seated opposite of them. "To that end, Miss Kolbeck, I hope that we may reach an agreement."

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