Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye

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Lianne La Havas – Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye

"I have news." Taylor glanced around at the multitudes of androids that were milling around the hold of the freighter. Markus usually received her somewhere more private, but he looked busy. They all did, truth be told. She shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the stares of the androids who had figured out she was a human.

It was a few minutes before Markus acknowledged her presence, but when he finally looked up, he gave her full attention. "What about?"

"There are two active contacts in Detroit that can help smuggle your people to Canada." Taylor glanced back over the rail at all the androids in the hold. "I know that's not ideal. We won't be able to get people out very quickly, not very many."

"Not very many want to leave," Markus responded, conciliatory.

"He wants your help. In setting up a network here. To help people get out. I told them what the situation is like here, that it might be a while before you can do much, but he'll send resources. It will be mutual." She hesitated, reaching in her pocket and pulling out a cellphone. It was an older molder, not her personal one, and she offered it to him. "If you want."

"I think you know we need all of the extra help we can get right now." Markus walked closer and accepted the phone from her outstretched hand, his fingers brushing against hers briefly. "There are several people here who will be very grateful for this."

"I'm glad I could help." She smiled. He tucked the phone into his jacket pocket.

"You could be helping more," he said offhandedly, his eyes searching her face. "Why are you still working on this investigation? What if you had been exposed for helping us? There is most certainly surveillance footage of you inside of Stratford Tower."

"Nothing happened. No one suspected anything." Taylor glanced away, trying not to think of the moment in the elevator with Connor. He hadn't brought it up again afterward. Not yet, anyway.

"You said you agreed to be a part of this because you had to know why deviants were becoming violent. Surely, you've seen enough by now," Markus persisted.

"It's more complicated than that," she protested, defensive. He leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing.

"Is it? What is so complicated? Does this have anything to do with the deviant hunter?" Taylor's mouth dropped open in surprise, and Markus arched his eyebrows in response. "I may be busy trying to run this revolution, but it's hard not to notice how close you seem to be with the one person who's mission it is to destroy my people."

"It's not like that, Markus." She said softly, the heat creeping up her neck, across her cheeks. "This has nothing to do with Connor."

"Connor, then." He was watching her now, his eyebrows lowered. As he scanned her face, she felt that familiar unsettled feeling, like he could see right through her with those mismatched eyes. "Do you have feelings for him?"

"What?" She nearly stumbled backward a step, wanting to get away from Markus's pointed stare and his accusations. How could she have feelings for Connor? She had known him for a week. He had become a friend to her in that time, as much as anyone could, but he wasn't even a deviant. He felt nothing for her.

"There are a lot of people here depending on me, Taylor." Markus leaned away, sensing her discomfort, but he didn't turn his gaze from her face. "I trust you, implicitly, but I have them to think about as well. It is hard to convince some of them that you are on our side, given the circumstances."

"I see," she responded carefully, trying to disguise the hurt on her face, turning away. "What else do I have to do to prove that I'm on your side, then?"

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