Bird Set Free

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Sia – Bird Set Free

Taylor slid into the backseat of Hank's car and looked at the screen of her phone as it vibrated in her hand. Connor slid in beside her and glanced over at the screen just as she declined the call. "Harleen Quinzel?"

"You really are insufferably nosy, you know that?" Connor looked at her in alarm, but she was grinning up at him, her eyes twinkling. He turned away and she laughed at his sudden embarrassment. "Your cheeks are blue! Are you blushing?"

"I do not blush." Taylor nodded, still grinning as she turned back to her phone. Alex had forwarded her the video that was circulating the internet of her shouting match with Michael Brinkley and subsequent storming off the set. With a sigh, she opened it. Connor was peering over her shoulder again as it played. The video lasted less than two minutes but it certainly felt longer.

"Did you cuss out that prick on the news?" She glanced up to see that Hank was looking at her in the rearview. He looked amused, and when she nodded, he said, "Good for you. That guy is an asshole."

"That's what Captain Fowler said too." She said with a laugh. "Except now I have to deal with the consequences."

"Anything worth doing has consequences." Hank said dismissively. "Especially telling people to fuck off."

Taylor laughed again, nodding in agreement. Silence settled over the car, penetrated only by Connor's intermittent directions. "Hey Hank?" He glanced up at her in the rearview again as he turned the car into the parking lot of the apartment building that was their destination. "Thanks. For worrying about me."

The lieutenant grunted in response and exited the car without another word. Taylor followed, smiling. Connor explained that the tip came from an upper floor, so they all climbed into the elevator and rode up in silence. Hank led the way as they stepped out, Taylor right behind him, but they both paused when they realized Connor wasn't following. He was standing in the elevator, eyes closed, LED a solid yellow circle.

"Hey, Connor!" The android opened his eyes, LED fading back to blue. "You run out of batteries or what?"

"I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife." He trailed them down the hallway.

"What do we know about this guy?" Hank asked.

"Not much, just that the neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody is supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap." Connor responded.

"Oh Christ, if we have to investigate every time someone hears a strange noise, we're gonna need more cops." Hank grumbled as he approached the door. Connor was looking at some feathers in the hallway, his head tilted to the side, and didn't reply. "Hey, were you really making a report back there in the elevator? Just by closing your eyes?"

"Correct," Connor nodded as he stepped up beside them, adjusting his tie.

"Shit, I wish I could do that." Hank said, causing Taylor to snort. Connor knocked on the apartment door. They waited a pause, but there was no response. Connor looked over to the lieutenant, who just shrugged, so the android knocked harder. Still nothing.

"Open up! Detroit Police!" Connor shouted. This time they were answered by a crash from somewhere in the apartment trailed by the sound of metal scraping on wood. Silence followed, the three exchanging glances while Hank drew his gun. He stepped toward the door and nodded for Connor to get behind him. The android complied, moving Taylor behind him as Hank kicked open the door.

They went down the hallway in a line. Taylor peeked into the rooms as she walked behind Hank and Connor, taking in the oddly drawn labyrinths that decorated the walls. Hank reached the end of the hallway and kicked down the next door, cursing as a scatter of pigeons flew at his face. He was still cursing when Taylor peered around Connor and into the room.

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