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My Chemical Romance - Sleep

The muffled sound of running water was the only sound Connor heard on the other side of the bathroom door. The television was on the news station, as per usual, and he was trying to follow the ongoing story of the android protests, but he was finding it hard to pay attention. Taylor was on the other side of that door, preparing for bed.

He could hear the occasional shuffling as well, and he was trying not to focus on the noises, but since he had agreed to stay with Taylor, he had become hyper aware of everything she did. Logically, he knew he had stayed in the same room with Taylor while she slept before. She had pointed out as much. Yet this time, somehow, it felt different.

The door clicked open. He'd become lost in his train of thought and not realized when the water cut off. Taylor stepped out of the bathroom clad in a matching camisole and short pajama set. Her cheeks were flushed a rosy pink, and she darted over to the bed to slide beneath the covers immediately.

He watched all of this with interest, unable to speak from the moment she appeared. She glanced over at him, her face still a bright shade of red, and raised her eyebrows. "You could at least take off your jacket, you know."

Her tone was tinged with amusement. He looked down at the jacket and tie he was still wearing. Conceding, he slid out of the coat and loosened his tie, crossing the room to hang both of them so they wouldn't wrinkle. Then he rolled his sleeves to the elbow and slid under the blankets with her.

She was watching him, her blue eyes dark in the dim lights. As he settled in across from her, she slid closer. Despite the warmth in her cheeks, her fingers were cold to the touch when she found his hand.

"Thanks for staying," she said softly. Connor nodded, unsure what to else to say. She stared at him for a moment before she said, "You can come closer. If you want."

He didn't realize he had wanted it until she said it, but he didn't hesitate to scoot against her. He released her hand, sliding his fingers along her arm and tucking his arm around her waist. She pressed closer still, nestling her head against his shoulder, her leg curled against his.

Tucked into the circle of his arms, lying side by side, he could appreciate how much smaller she was than him. Taylor was fairly tall, only a few inches shorter than him, but where he was broad, she was delicate. She fit against him, every soft curve molding into his frame. He would have been content to hold on to her forever.

"Is this okay?" She asked, uncertain. Her arm rested lightly around his middle, but she was tensed, ready to pull away again. Though he couldn't see her face, he could still read the rapid drumming of her heart in her chest.

"Yes." Connor wished he could make her understand the way he felt with her in his arms. He knew his thirium pump was pulsing faster than normal, like it was trying to keep time with her erratic human heart. She relaxed then, and he said, "Go to sleep."

She laughed softly against his chest, but she didn't say anything back. He could sense when her heart rate started to slow, her breathing even out. Exhaustion stole over her quickly and she fell into sleep.

He knew he should put himself into rest mode as well, but he was enjoying the feel of Taylor against him. He thought back to his first night as a deviant, after the destruction of Jericho, when she had fallen asleep in his lap, her breath warm against his neck, and the feeling of belonging he had felt.

He tried not to count the minutes passing by, focusing on the gentle rise and fall of her chest, the slow rhythm of her heart. Eventually, he gave in and let himself slide into low power mode, his consciousness fading.

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