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The Strumbellas – Spirits

Connor glanced over the sign that read Chicken Feed and then the lieutenant's back as he walked towards it. He had just been ordered to remain in the vehicle, but Taylor ducked her head back down to the car window and smiled at him. "Come on."

He trailed behind her obediently as they joined Hank at the window. Hank was talking to a man about placing a bet, but the blonde just glanced at them before focusing on the menu, seemingly unfazed by whatever illegal activities they were discussing. When his business concluded, he joined them, giving Connor a sour look.

"They don't have salads here," he told Taylor.

"Good to know," she responded, focusing on the man behind the counter. "Can I get the jalapeno cheddar burger, extra bacon. And Cajun fries, please." Hank snorted at her, but she just raised her eyebrows at him as she paid for her food. "Don't be jealous because you can't eat spicy food, old man."

"Yeah, yeah." Connor looked between the lieutenant and the blonde woman, analyzing their interaction. They still sounded like they were arguing, but the tone was different than their first encounter at the crime scene. Was this what humans referred to as teasing? He would need more analysis to be sure. There did not seem to be any markers of hostility between the two as they collected their food and headed toward a table.

"Did you have to bring the plastic asshole? It doesn't even eat." Hank complained as Connor joined them.

"He is our partner." Taylor replied as though scolding a child while she emptied several ketchup packets over her fries. "You can't leave him in the car like luggage."

"Might as well be luggage." Hank grumbled as he lifted his own burger in his hands

"Your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level." Connor finally spoke up just as Hank was about to take a bite. "You shouldn't eat that."

"Everybody's gotta die of something." Hank replied, taking a bite as if in protest. Connor glanced over at Taylor, who was already shoving fries in her mouth.

"Your meal has—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." She cut him off, pointing a french-fry at him. "I don't need that kind of negativity in my life, thanks."

Connor looked between the two again as they continued to eat in contented silence. Finally, he decided to speak, "Is there anything you'd like to know about me?"

"Hell no," Hank responded immediately, causing Taylor to roll her eyes as she took another bite of her burger. "Well, yeah, um... why did they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice?"

"That's his way of asking why you're so attractive," the blonde said, laughing at the glare the lieutenant gave her in response. Connor blinked in surprise, his LED swirling yellow for a moment as Taylor grinned at him. "Are you sure you weren't designed to be a Traci model?"

"Jesus Christ, I'm going to puke." Hank frowned down at his food while Taylor continued to giggle next to him, looking to the android for a response.

"I was not designed with Traci programming. CyberLife androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. Both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration." Connor answered, trying to keep the hint of uncertainty out of his voice.

"Humans respond better to pretty people." Taylor confirmed with a nod, still grinning up at Hank as he glared back at her. Connor's LED flashed yellow again. He felt like he was missing something.

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