Save the Last Dance For Me

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Michael Bublé – Save the Last Dance For Me

An hour could sometimes feel like an eternity to a human. Taylor contemplated this as she spoke to another man in a suit, this one claiming to be a personal friend of the Vice President and in possession of some very strong opinions of the current state of the hearings.

She had plastered an attentive, empty expression on her face but was having trouble focusing on what he was saying. Connor was standing next to her, where he had been standing sentinel for the duration, handing her appetizers from passing trays. It felt like she had been at it for most of the night, but he told her just a few minutes ago that they'd been there for a little over an hour.

"If it isn't Taylor Kolbeck." The blank look fell off of her face as her muscles stiffened. The man who had been speaking moments before turned with her toward the newcomer that had interrupted him mid-sentence, sputtering. Beside her, she felt Connor draw closer and for once was glad for his hovering.

"Kent Warren." Her face twisted into a forced smile. "Long time no see. Or talk."

"You look ravishing, as always." Kent gave her a cheeky smile in return, completely disregarding her jab. He'd slicked his messy black hair back out of his face, for once, so it wasn't obscuring the glint in his dark blue eyes.

"You enjoy the rest of your night, Miss Kolbeck." The older gentleman who had been talking her ear off bid her adieu, glancing between them one last time before he bustled off to find a new victim for his opinions. As he disappeared into the crowd, she suddenly wished he was her biggest problem and not the man still standing in front of her.

"Kent, this is Connor. He's in Washington with me as my co-ambassador in the android hearings. Connor, this is Kent Warren, famous actor and more famous son of President Cristina Warren." Taylor introduced the two of them in the hopes that it might prompt Kent to leave.

Connor had been standing so close that she felt him brush against her arm as he leaned closer to shake hands with Kent. She had been successful, in the very least, of drawing Kent's attention away from her.

"Your infamous android cohort. Yes. Good to meet you, Connor." Kent smiled, showing his perfectly straight teeth and infuriatingly attractive dimples. "Do you mind if I borrow Taylor from you for a few minutes?"

A surprised look came across Connor's face. Before he could muster a reply, she cut in for him. "No. Anything you have to say, you can say it here."

"Anything?" He turned back to her, his tone full of feigned innocence, raising his eyebrows. She felt the heat rising in her face, up her neck. "Very well, then. Raj wanted me to come speak to you. He's concerned."

"Raj can't be bothered to talk to me himself anymore?" Taylor felt Connor tensing at her side, though he stayed silent. "He sent you scurrying all the way back from London?"

"For some reason, he didn't think you would be amenable to his conversation." Kent raised his eyebrows at her again, though he sounded delighted at the idea. "Also, I've been back in the States for a while."

"Well, I wouldn't know," she shot back, glaring. He held his hands up in a gesture of surrender.

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry I didn't call you. Is that what you've been waiting for me to say?" The grin stretched across his face as he said it made her bristle, let her know how sincere he really was. "I thought since I would be gone for months, you'd prefer it that way."

"And I thought you came here to tell me something for Raj." She crossed her arms over her chest instead of balling her hands into fists. A tiny, dreadful part of her brain wanted to turn on her heel and pull Connor to her, kiss him for all he was worth.

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