Always Remember Us This Way

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Lady Gaga – Always Remember Us This Way

Taylor laid very still, trying not to move. If she moved too much, Connor would instantly come out of his sleep mode, and that's what she was trying to avoid. From her current position, she could tilt her head just right to look up at his serene expression.

She had been awake for at least an hour now. Maybe longer, it was hard to know for sure when all you had to do was think. Or overthink, in her case. During the past two weeks, however, she had learned that if she woke up too early and got out of bed, Connor would get up too and he would be worried.

Plus, she didn't mind it here, in his arms. Even with nothing else to do. From the first time that they had been intimate until even now, Connor had to adjust to the idea that he could touch her. He still hesitated, like she would crumble to pieces to his hands if he held on too tight. So much so that she had given him express permission to touch her whenever and however he wanted to when it was just the two of them.

Still, he always asked permission first. Something about it made her want to cry every time, just because it was overwhelming how gentle he was. Slowly he had become bolder, with every embrace, every contact. He could never be satisfied. She could only guess that his desire outweighed his reluctance.

This is how he preferred to be. With her curled against him, as much skin touching skin as possible. One arm was curled under her back, hand tucked around her hip, and the other was folded around her middle, bent upward, fingers splayed across her shoulder blade.

If Connor had been human, he never could have slept like that. He would be insanely uncomfortable, and he would have lost feeling in his arm ages ago. But he was an android, and all he could feel was the warmth of her skin touching his. Sure, she wasn't as comfortable as she could have been, but that didn't matter to her.

Here, in the circle of his arms, pressed as close as she could get, she felt safe. Truly safe. The more she thought about it, the more she was sure that she could have been anywhere in the world, and as long as Connor was there with her, she would be okay. She might even last the night in her old bedroom, wrapped up just like this.

Maybe that was as delusional as it sounded. Their time was running out, after all. Soon they would be back in Detroit, and then?

Taylor shifted so that she could see Connor's face again. The sharp lines of his jaw. The soft curve of his mouth. The thick black of his lashes, almost touching his cheeks. Her fingers were itching to reach up and trace along his brow, the perfect contours of his face.

His eyes opened suddenly. Since he wasn't human, they didn't flutter, didn't blink awake, just opened. It startled her for just a moment. His eyes were like smoked hickory in the dim light, the flickering glow of the television casting shadows over the hollows in his face and catching the glints of gold in his pupils.

"Good morning," Connor smiled, just slightly, the corners of his lips lifting just enough to make his eyes squint. His hand moved from her shoulder, sliding along her spine and coming to rest against her side, making her shiver.

"Morning," she breathed, sighing softly as he leaned in to brush his lips against her temple.

"Have you been awake long?" He asked. She made a noncommittal noise of acknowledgment, keeping her eyes closed as his lips moved to her cheek, down to her jaw, trailing along her skin. "You still have time to sleep."

She opened her eyes then. He had pulled away now, and she could tell by the way his eyes moved over her face that he was running a scan. "If you tell me I look tired, I'm going to hit you."

"Androids don't feel pain," he reminded her, huffing a small laugh as he said it. She was already smiling, though underneath it she was a bit apprehensive. She'd been worried about Connor since they arrived in Washington, in varying degrees, but she hadn't been able to focus on it with the hearings and everything else happening.

The way he'd greeted her before they headed to the party threw it back into stark contrast. She wanted to pretend that it wasn't her fault, but no part of her believed that to be true.

"Do you want me to get you breakfast while you get ready?"

"I don't want to get ready yet." Taylor wiggled her hands free from where they were trapped between them, finally reaching up to cup his face with her hands like she'd been itching to do moments before, "I thought you said I had time?"

"You do," he said, going still beneath her touch. She brushed the pads of her thumbs along his cheeks, her smile widening.

"Let's do something else." Pulling him down to her, she pressed her mouth over his before he could say anything in response. Her leg pressed against his thigh, then slid over and curled around his hip, but he didn't need any more encouragement. The hand on her side slid along her back again, pulling the thin fabric of her tank top up with it.

In one movement, he rolled her onto her back, hovering over her. He broke the kiss long enough to pull the shirt over her head. She was lost in the moment, drowning in him, and she didn't even notice when he got the rest of her clothes off. His hands were everywhere at once, gliding along her skin, his fingers grazing every sensitive spot.

"Connor, please," she broke away, gasping for air. He was driving her insane. The desire was burning through her, curled into the pit of her stomach, fire in her veins. He must have known. His thumbs pressed into the bones of her hips and a second later she felt the full length of him slamming into her.

A groan, both pleasure and pain, tore from her lips. She'd gotten used to the size of him, mostly, but the suddenness had startled her. He had been just as impatient as she was, but he stilled now, placing gentle kisses along her neck and jaw. She clenched around him, and a second later he started to move.

With every thrust, he filled her completely, driving into every pleasure center she had. She couldn't feel anything but the pure sensation of it. There was sweat breaking out across her skin already, tension building in her abdomen. She was moaning, panting Connor's name, her fingers digging into his back.

Then she came, tightening around him again. He moaned against her neck but kept thrusting, his thumbs still digging into her hips, until she felt him release a minute later, his cock twitching inside of her.

Connor still had his face buried against her neck. Taylor realized her fingernails were clenched into the taut synthetic muscles around his shoulders and she relaxed them. She was panting, but so was he, his fans working audibly to cool him.

He lifted his head, finally, just enough to press his lips to hers again. He kissed her until she was breathless before breaking away. His grip on her hips was gentle now, and he pulled out of her.

"Go get ready. I'll get you breakfast," he said again, though he didn't move at first. He stayed hovering over her, looking down at her with so much adoration it made her chest ache.

In that moment, she just knew. How could she leave him? More importantly, how could she give him up? She would have to stay in Detroit. Alex had already suspected this would happen. She would have to talk to Jake about it. Who knows, maybe she could even try to have a relationship with Hayley again.

"What is it?" Connor interrupted her thoughts before she could get too carried away. He was giving her that look of concern, his brow furrowed. She hesitated. She couldn't tell him yet, not without at least talking to Alex.

"I can't get ready with you like this," she said instead, pushing lightly against his chest, smiling. He blinked, then finally moved from above her. She made her way to the bathroom quickly, trying not to feel self-conscious about her lack of clothing. He'd seen everything there was to see already, but somehow, she knew his eyes were lingering as she shut the bathroom door behind her.

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