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Taylor Swift - Lover

"Hey, kid. Long time no see." Hank's reaction to Taylor's return was fairly muted compared to everyone else. Connor supposed he should not be surprised. Taylor smiled at the lieutenant, and she went in for a hug immediately. He hugged her back, somewhat awkwardly.

"Good to see you, Hank." She released him a moment later. People had been waving or acknowledging her since she walked back into the precinct, but she had made her way straight to his desk.

"It's good to see you back on your feet. Maybe this slacker will come back around to work now." Hank said, giving Connor a pointed look. Taylor just smiled at him. She didn't want to give him away.

"Actually, I came to speak to the Captain about returning to the precinct." Connor said. Hank looked over at him in surprise, then he clapped him on the shoulder.

"That's great! About damn time." Hank was smiling now. "Do you need me to come with you?"

Connor looked at Taylor uncertainly, but she just raised her eyebrows. "If you think it would help."

"I came to see Gavin, so I'll leave you two to it." Taylor said, clearly amused. Hank frowned at her.

"He ain't in a good mood these days thanks to his new partner. Watch yourself." He warned. Taylor just rolled her eyes at the warning, turning in the direction of Detective Reed's desk.

"What could be so bad about his partner?" She asked, looking around for him. Gavin wasn't at his desk, and she sighed.

"Actually, funny story," Hank began, looking suddenly uncomfortable. Connor was curious now, and was about to ask why, when he noticed Taylor freeze. He followed her line of sight and saw Gavin exiting the break room, his new partner hot on his heels.

His LED flashed yellow for a moment. The android following Detective Reed was clearly a Connor model. He caught sight of the RK900 on its jacket and frowned. An upgraded version, then.

"Your buddy Markus sent that thing along a couple weeks ago from CyberLife. Fowler thought Connor was such a hit, he decided to keep it and assign it to Reed since that asshole can't keep a partner." Hank explained.

"He's not deviant?" Taylor asked, tilting her head as she watched the two. There was a curious look on her face. Connor didn't like it at all.

"Apparently it has some anti-deviant software on it. Markus said it just wanted to do its assigned job as a detective android, so he sent it here." Hank shrugged, clearly not caring about the whole situation. "It's a creepy Connor knock-off."

Taylor laughed, but she was still staring at Gavin and the RK900. "Can't go deviant, huh?"

She started walking towards them, and Connor found that he was following her a moment later. She gave him a skeptical look, and he said quickly, "I've decided to accompany you to see Detective Reed."

"Uh huh." She clearly wasn't convinced, but she didn't protest. He had sworn to himself that he wouldn't be unnecessarily jealous anymore. He just didn't like this situation at all.

That android was a Connor model. Wouldn't it be just as drawn to Taylor as he had? From the very beginning, when he was a machine still, Taylor had enamored him. Why shouldn't this new version of him be the same?

What's more, what if Taylor decided she wanted an upgraded Connor. She seemed intrigued by him. The RK900 probably had plenty of improvements over him. He had only been a prototype, after all.

"Hello, Gavin," Taylor said with a smile. They'd crossed the room and stopped in front of Gavin's desk before Connor had appropriate time to organize his thoughts. Gavin glanced up from where he'd been glaring into his cup of coffee, and his jaw dropped open.

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