Shall We Dance?

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Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr – Shall We Dance?

"Well, it would be rude to refuse." Taylor said, trying to sound reasonable as she stared at the invitation in her hands. When she glanced up into Markus's face, however, he still looked skeptical. Behind him, North had a look of utter contempt.

A nearly identical invitation had arrived to hers and Connor's hotel room that morning. President Warren was holding her annual holiday gala and had invited the four of them to go, in lieu of what was occurring in Congress or whatever other controversy it might incur.

"We have to get back to Detroit. Sooner, rather than later." Markus grimaced, and North spoke up for him, sensing that he was hesitant.

"Josh and Simon are acting leaders, but everyone recognizes Markus. Especially newcomers. That is who they expect to see." The android fixed her with a hard stare, a frown etched into her face. "Things can destabilize quickly without his presence."

"This is only a couple of days away." Taylor tried again to sound practical, but the sneering dislike that North seemed to have for her made her jittery. "We can go back right after. President Warren is an ally to us, and right now we don't have enough of them in Washington to be ostracizing anyone."

"There is also the threat of Helping Humans to consider," Connor said from just over her shoulder, offering his support to her argument. "You came here, in part, because their androids had already infiltrated the CyberLife tower."

"There haven't been any more sightings of them since the first android we found. Josh and Simon have been subtly screening every new android that comes through." Markus looked between them, crossing his arms. His face was a mask of seriousness.

"That could just mean that they've gotten smarter, right?" Taylor said. "They have to know you're here in Washington D.C. with me. It's been all over the news."

"She's right," North admitted, looking disgusted to be agreeing with her. "They could be biding their time. We can't be too careful. Not until this whole thing with Congress is over."

"Exactly." Taylor nodded, trying to emphasize that they were on the same side. "If the bill passes, deviants will be full citizens. What Helping Humans is trying to do will be a crime, punishable by law."

The two women stared at each other for half a second, until North's frown eased off. Just a little. Taylor felt like she may have won a point or two.

"This invitation still feels like some kind of human trap." North said, looking at the thick parchment card in her hands with the same air of distaste. Taylor almost laughed, but she knew if she did, that she would lose whatever inch of ground she had just gained with the redhead.

"It isn't a trap," she said instead, suppressing her mirth. "Well, not exactly. It's politics, which is its own kind of trap I suppose. We are here as ambassadors. To not invite us would be much more noticeable than having us there causing a stir."

"Sounds like a stupid human trap to me," North confirmed, rolling her eyes. Markus was smiling now, trying to fight off his own bought of laughter.

"Diplomacy," he said congenially, touching her arm. He looked back to Taylor, nodding. "If you think we should go, then I suppose that we must. We will return to Detroit first thing next week."

The certainty with which he said it made Taylor swallow, remembering that she still hadn't made her decision. Or she had, and everyone was questioning it, so now she was questioning it, too. Going back to Detroit meant that she would need to decide, sooner rather than later.

They excused themselves, and as they headed toward the elevator to return to their own floor, Connor spoke up. "You seem worried."

"A little," she admitted. "You think Markus will be enough to keep North from punching anyone in the face?"

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