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Halsey - Gasoline

Connor tilted his head to the side as he looked at the blonde woman before him. She had paused at the foot of the stairs, glancing around at the desks that were clustered together around them. He pulled up the profile he had glanced over in the lobby to learn her name.

Taylor Mae Kolbeck

Date of Birth: May 10, 2010 (Age 28)

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5' 7"

Family: Ayla Jameson (Mother, deceased), Erik Kolbeck (Father, deceased), Anthony Jacobson (Stepfather), Jakob Kolbeck (Brother), Hayley Kolbeck (Sister)

The statistics continued with estimated net worth, a photographic list of television shows and movies she had appeared in, and a brief synopsis of her life. He went to scan over the information when he registered that she was speaking to him.

"Are you scanning me again?" Her eyebrows were raised, arms crossed over her chest as she looked up at him with an expression of incredulity. Connor realized he was still standing on the bottom stair so that their height difference was more pronounced, yet he felt smaller than her as she stared him down.

"Yes. I was trying to learn more about you since it appears that we will be working together." Her stance relaxed as she sighed.

"Okay, well, next time just ask me what you want to know please. I feel weird knowing you're reading a bunch of stuff about me on the internet. That's what everyone else does."

"Got it."

"E-Excuse me? Taylor?" They both turned to see a young, uniformed cop had approached them. He was staring at the blonde woman in front of him, all the color quickly draining from his face. "I-I mean, M-Miss Kolbeck. You look a little lost, can I help you?"

Connor scanned him, finding his DPD file immediately.

Officer Chris Miller

Date of Birth: September 30, 2009 (Age 29)

Badge number—

"Just Taylor is fine, Officer Miller." Connor blinked himself back into the present at the sound of Taylor's voice. She smiled from ear to ear as she stretched her hand out to the nervous man. He glanced down at her hand with a touch of fear before he finally reached out to return the handshake. "And this is Connor, he's from CyberLife as well. We're going to be working with Lieutenant Hank Anderson."

"You can call me Chris." He said, some of the tension leaving his face, returning her smile with one of his own. He glanced at Connor only for a second before he returned his attention to Taylor. "I'm afraid the Lieutenant isn't here at the moment."

"Yeah, the Captain told us as much. I was just looking for his desk."

"Sure, it's right over here." He walked them over to a desk just a few paces away. Connor looked over the surface that was fully covered in clutter of various shapes and sizes. "There's an empty desk right over there for," Chris hesitated, glancing between them, "for one of you. Or you can share."

"We'll share. Connor needs the desk more than I do, he's the one investigating." Taylor circled around to the spare desk and sat the bag she had been carrying down, dragging the chair around with her.

"What time does the Lieutenant arrive?" Connor finally spoke up. Chris turned to face him, looking a little unsure.

"Uh, usually not before noon. But I heard the Captain arguing with him on the phone this morning. He may not show up at all just to spite him." Chris glanced down and then back over at the blonde woman who was seated at the desk now.

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