bury a friend

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Billie Eilish – bury a friend

Connor drove slowly through the Detroit streets, mindful of the snow. Taylor hadn't commented on the fact that he'd commandeered her car, just settled into the passenger seat for the ride. He tried to focus on the road, the unsafe conditions demanding his attention, but his eyes kept jumping to the right.

Curled into the seat, she was facing slightly away from him, staring out the window. No matter how many scans he ran, she appeared in perfect health. Her expression was completely blank. Still, she hadn't said anything to him since they left the cemetery.

The spire of the CyberLife tower was rising in the distance. He had an unsettled feeling as they drew closer. Perhaps he was simply remembering the last time he was here. Maybe it had more to do with the tone Markus had used when he said he needed Taylor to come. Whatever the case, he knew he was being irrational.

He pulled up to the building, right up to the doors, not seeing a reason not to. Besides, it was still snowing, and he didn't want Taylor to have to be outside in the cold for too long when she had just gotten warm.

Taylor exited the car, heading straight inside, leaving him to trail behind. When he entered the lobby, she had her head tilted back, staring up into the rows of glass paneled windows. As he came up behind her, she whispered, "I can't even see the top. I wonder if Elijah designed this place."

She frowned as she said it. He stepped closer to her, placing a hand on the small of her back. "Come on."

They made their way toward the elevator. Markus had already told him what floor to meet him on. There was a scattering of androids moving around the building. It appeared as though the previous occupants had been ordered to leave quite abruptly, and androids were picking up and reorganizing everywhere he looked.

The elevator doors slid closed, insulating them in silence. Connor's hand was still pressed lightly against her back, and he considered whether to let it fall away or to slide it around her waist. She had put her hands in her pockets, staring straight ahead, lost in thought.

They moved through the floors quickly, and before he could decide what to do with his hand, the doors pinged softly open. Taylor glanced around, then looked up at him expectantly. He knew from blueprints that they had arrived in research and development, but Markus hadn't been any more specific on where to find him.

"About time." Connor turned his head as they stepped out of the elevator. The redhead was perched up against the wall, arms crossed over her chest, a look of thinly veiled disdain on her face. North.

"I'm sorry I made you wait so long." Taylor immediately apologized. North frowned at her.

"Yes, well. I think this whole thing was unnecessary, but Markus insisted." She looked down her nose at them, and the blonde shrunk away almost subconsciously. North seemed to sigh. "I suppose you did help us. Follow me."

She glanced between them before turning on her heel and walking off. They immediately followed, sensing she would leave them behind without a second thought. Connor finally pulled his hand away from Taylor, allowing her to walk a couple of steps ahead of him while he took in their surroundings.

There appeared to be all variety of labs that they were passing. He was reading descriptions on the door plaques as they walked. In the few open doorways, he spotted a couple of mid-production androids in various stages of development. He found himself wondering if Markus had found any other Connor models. He already knew he wasn't the only one.

Surely that wasn't the reason they were here now, though. Markus had wanted Taylor specifically. He couldn't imagine what the deviant leader could have found, but he had to reason that if it involved other RK800 androids he would have just asked Connor himself to come.

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