How To Save A Life

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The Fray – How to Save A Life

Connor walked into the precinct, heading straight for Hank's desk. It had only been a couple of weeks since he'd been here, yet somehow it felt longer. Alex had shown up at the hospital with Jake in tow. Connor found that he had endured enough of watching people see Taylor's condition for the first time.

Hank had called him early that morning to say that they were ready for him to take a look at the android that had stabbed Taylor whenever he had the chance. He was not looking forward to this experience in the least, but he knew it had to be done. He supposed that the concept of justice was important to humans. He was built on logic, and no amount of justice was going to change that Taylor was fighting for her life in a hospital bed.

Hank spotted him when he was still several desks away and rose from his chair. To Connor's surprise, the lieutenant drew him into a hug when he made it close enough. One that he hadn't realized he needed.

"How is she?" Hank asked quietly. Connor just shook his head as he pulled away. "Sorry, kid. Let's get this over with."

He nodded. He already felt anxious, being away from the hospital. What if something happened while he wasn't there? What if he missed something? The thought had gnawed at him from the moment he stepped out of Taylor's hospital room.

Brushing the thought aside, he followed Hank toward the evidence room. He also hadn't been here since that fateful day of Jericho. Before he was deviant. Now the room was empty of all of the evidence pertaining to the deviant cases, probably filed away in a more remote area of the precinct.

Connor spotted the android immediately. It had been laid out on a table, he supposed for ease of access, though the gesture was unwarranted. The whole front of its face had been crushed inward. The thirium had evaporated, but he could still see it smeared into the severe areas of damage and exposed wiring.

He suspected this would be an exercise in futility based on how much of the android's skull was caved in. Most of the synthetic skin was ripped away, leaving just shards of fractured plastic. Still, Connor glanced around, then settled his gaze back on Hank.

"I'm going to need some tools."

"You think you can do it?" Hank asked. The note of hope in his voice made Connor frown.

"There is a very remote chance. But I may as well try." He said. The two of them left the evidence room. It took a good hour to acquire the separate tools Connor said he would need to repair the android's memory enough to access it.

As he set his supplies out on the table in the evidence room, he glanced up at Hank, still lingering by the door. "There is a significant chance that the android purged its memory before it self-destructed."

"What are the chances these whack jobs knew how to program an android like that? Sounds complicated." Hank said. Connor frowned, but he couldn't argue that point. He had done what research he could into Helping Humans, but he had no way of knowing their inner working or who comprised their members. They could have ex-CyberLife employees among their ranks.

He took a seat and set to work. Hank left him in peace, leaving the room and returning to his desk. For a long while, he worked in silence, picking the broken pieces of plastic away from the android's face so that he could gain entry to its programming.

At least an hour passed. He had pieces of plastic laid across the table and was just starting to attempt to reattach wires and assess damage when Officer Chris Miller joined him in the evidence room. Connor thought he was coming to register evidence, but it only took a moment to realize his hands were empty.

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