The Beginning

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

I'm walking home listening to my favorite piano cover. The beautiful tune just puts me at ease sometimes, i adjust my headphones to sit comfortably in my ears then i put the phone in my bag and walk off.

I get home and put my bag on the table I look around i can't see anyone. "Maby mom's at her office?". I think to myself as i walk upstairs and open the door to mom's office and sure enough there she is sleeping in front of the computer with her glasses on. I walk up to her desk and take her glasses off her beautiful futures are well shown I have to add, i put them on the table and walk over to the curtains, i close them and turn the computer off. Lastly i put a blanket over her and give her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

My bag in hand i walk up to my room i put the bag on my desk and take my books out and put them away in my drawer. I plop myself down on to the bed holding my phone i stare up at the ceiling my mind blank. I turn to my side starring at a single photo at the wall of a happy family at a football tournament a man with (Insert hair color) hair,(Insert eye color) eyes and a big smile on his face holding a Trophy in his hand and a younge girl with the same eyes and hair in his other and a woman with (Insert hair color) hair and (Insert eye color) eyes. The girl and the woman wore normal clothes while the man wore a soccer uniform they truly looked like a happy family.

I turned to the other side looking at the door, i just stared at the door . Then i got up and got out of my clothes and into my beige dotted pajamas. I put my hair up in a messy bun and slipped into my slippers and headed downstairs where it was quite. I walked in to the kitchen and took out some leftover chicken soup form yesterday and microwaved it, i took a spoon and soon started slurping up the soup.

-Time skip-

My mom and i was sitting in the kitchen eating and chatting, i took a sip out of my orange juice. "Do you want to go to the cinema this weekend?",Mom asked. I looked up at her and went quite, she looked down and continued eating not saying anything i watched her quietly before going back to eating myself. Before taking away the dishes i gave her a last glance then going upstairs into my room, i sat down at my bed.

I heard a knock at the door and went to open it, my mom was standing there with a package in hand i looked at her with a confused expression. "This was from your dad he sent it a few years ago", she walked in and put the package at my desk then looking around my room her eyes land on the photo, she walks up to the wall and takes the frame with the photo off she stares at it a long time her eyes are glued to the man. She touches he's face in the picture before putting it back on the wall and walking out of the room. I look at the package then at the photo.

On top i saw a note i carefully took it and read what it said on it. "When you get this package I'm pretty sure you already know that i have achieved my goal and want to come home but because I can't i sent this package instead, of things that would make you happy, i hope you take good care of it".

I opened the box and inside my dad's football was lyin proudly with autographs from everyone on the team there wore little comments of encouragement in there to. I smiled and then i saw my dad's captain band I took it and looked at it. It was white, i looked in the box and my eyes widened my dad's old soccer shirt was sitting underneath the ball I took it and looked at the logo in the front a big purple Z which represents their team Zelta, at the back the number 7 was standing out and above it the name (D/N) (L/N) stood proudly. I put it on the floor and looked in to the box again there was a picture of dad and his team when they just won their first Asian championship match back 14 years ago when i was only a few months old they were only beginning there carriers. I saw a little box and inside was a necklace that my dad used to wear back in his old days. It was a necklace that had a soccer ball and a soccer player on it a note was sitting in the bottom i picked it up and read it:"This necklace gave me hope, luck and encouragement, now i want you to have it".

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