Shinsuk New Hissatsu Technique?

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It was now dawn and Tenma and Aki-nee stood outside the porch and waved Aoi and Shinsuke off. I on the other hand was beat and threw myself down on the bed. i sighed and sat up. i opened the window to feel the fresh air smack me in the face. Outside the sun was about to seet of into slumber.  Tsurugi had been called to the Fifth Sector's headquarters where he spoke with The Holy Emperor.

"Tsurugi Kyousuke, Are you turning your back against us?". Tsurugi frowned and looked down at the floor. "You assisted in Raimon's victory. It was inappropriate behavior as a Seed",A man with White said. "My apologies",Tsurugi said still kepping his gaze on the floor. "If you disobey our orders again, your brother will lose his one and only hope". At those  words Tsurugi froze in shock. "Are you okay with that?". "i have faith in you. Prove to me your true intentions in the next match",The Holy Empror spoke. "i understand",Tsurugi said. "Then enjoy your soccer, Tsurugi-kun",The Holy Empror said. Tsurugi bowed and left the room.

"It seems a wind has begun to stir within Raimon". "They are belitting that which must be utmost reveerd in the youth soccer World, the Fifth Law",Another man said. "Shouldn't we be taking down their soccer club as an example to the others?,The man with White hair said. "No. The Raimon name is a Point of admiration for Young soccer players. It's power of influence is unfathomable. It would be more benefical to us if we use this to our advantage instead of destroying it",The Holy Empror said. The man bowed and gave his "As the Holy Empror whishes" and the other man bowed to.

i walked along the street with Tenma running ahead of me. We had just set of to school and Tenma was excited to play soccer. I was humming taking in the morning brezze when Tenma stopped. "That's...",Tenma trailed off. I turned my gaze to the field to see Shinsuke falling on the ground. "Shinsuke?",Tenma said.  Shinsuke got up again and ran towards a tree which he had tied a net to with a ball in it to keep in in Place. Tenma cut him of asking what he was doing. In surprise he halted mid way and stumbled forward hitting the ground. Tenma ran down the stairs apoligizing. He helped Shinsuke up. "What's that for?",Tenma asked and pointed at the tree. "I'm practacing... a hissatsu technique",Shinsuke explained. "A hissatsu technique? What kind of hissatsu technique?",I asked as i tilted my head to the side. "Full Throttle Jump!",Shinsuke said. "Full Throttle Jump?",Tenma asked tilting his head. "My specialties are jumping and headings! I thought it'd be a good idea to use that to send the opponent's shoots flying back!",Shinsuke said making weird poses. "Then will help you!",Tenma said. "Really?",Shinsuke asked looking at me. I nodded a smile placing itself on my face. And we started practicing togheter.

-Reader's POV-

At school the Raimon eleven were practice a new formation. Shindou gave the instructions and orders. Hayami was spaced out while Akane was taking a bunch of photos. Shindou called out to the troubled Hayami before passing the ball which he missed. "Where are those three?,"Midori asked Aoi who was sitting beside her. "No idea,"Aoi replied.  "Shin-sama~,"Akane said. "She really loves him dosen't she..,"Midori said with a awkward smile. Akane didn't seem to hear what Midori said and continued taking pictures of Shindou. Otonashi-sensei walked up to Kirino and asked if he was okay. "Yes, I'll be able to play again in two or three days,"Kirino said putting a hand on his ankle rubbing it. "Good..,"Otonashi-sensei said breathing a sigh of relief. At that moment (Y/N), Tenma and Shinsuke came running already changed.

"Sorry!,"The three said. "You're late,"Shindou said. "What we're you doing?". "Well...,"Shinsuke trailed of. "We were helping Shinsuke training his new hissatsu technique!,"Tenma said. "Hissatsu technique?". At this point everyone had gathered around the four. Shinsuke started explaining what he had in mind for the hissatsu technique. "I see...,"Shindou said thoughtfully. "We kind of lost our selves while training, that we forget the time...,"(Y/N) said scratching her head in embarrassment. Shindou nodded. "It would help to have a technique that could deflect a shoot,"Shindou said. A smile spread across Tenma's face. "It's good you're motivated, but stay on time,"Shindou said. The three scratched their head in sync.

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