The Portal! -Last Special Chapter!-

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I sit down and go over everything that had happened this past week... I've gone exploring, shopping, hunting, playing and helping out the doctor these past ten days. And today was the day that the portal was going to open again... but the village elder had some other plans and wouldn't let me go just yet...

"What?!,"I blurted out. I was once again called to the village elder's home and when i came in to his office I was meet with a rather suprising offer. "Y-You want to hold a ceremony... for me....?,"I said surprisingly. The village elder nodded slowly. "Yes, i want to give you a proper farewell since we probably wouldn't meet again. So what do you think?,"The village elder said. "W-Well... I think it's a bit of a time waster... I don't want to waste your time!,"I said. "No, no! This is the best i could do for you since you helped the doctor,"The village elder said. "But-,"I was cut off. "Just accept it already!, "Martha said annoyingly. Natsu shoot her a glare which made her shut hur mouth. Natsu and Martha was the only ones informed of this idea and came to the office to know if I went along with it or not. "I'm fine with it...,"I said holding back. "Great! Natsu, Martha! Tell everyone about the ceremony and to start preparations! We only have a a few hours upon us!,"The village elder said and turned to the two. "Yes, sir!,"Martha and Natsu said. They hurried out the door and i was left with a big clump in my throat. "Are you sure you want to do this?,"I asked. "Of course,"The village elder said and gave me a heartwarming smile. I smiled ryley and begged him farewell and left the office.

I was walking down the corridor when something came to mind. "Wait... the blood moon is today... so how do i explain this feeling inside of me?". I ignored the feeling and left the village elder's house, walking down the street i take in everything. The shops, bakeries, restaurants, jewelry store, clothing stores. It all makes me relaxed as i watch everyone happily. I walked past a little park and saw kids playing soccer there. I had a urge to play with them but the words Martha said came back to me: "Soccer is only allowed to be played by boys!". With that i held myself back from going over to them. I kept walking and taking in everything for a last time. But my mind always went to the kids playing soccer. "Oh stop it (Y/N)!,"I hit my head to stop my fought. "It's just not possible... or maby- No It's Not Possible!". I sigh and then I notice that people are looking at me and whispering. "Oh whoops... might have gotten a little more attention than needed!". But something felt wrong they looked at her frowning and whispering. I quickly made my way out of their.

I hurried to one of my special places, i found it while I was out exploring alone. It's a nice comfy place beside a nearby pond in the forest. I usually go there when I need time to think it calm myself down. There's a big Oak tree just a few meters away from the pond and i make myself comfortable there. I watch as the fish from the pond jumped up into the surface then fall back down into the water. I lean back and watch the leafs fall of the Oak tree. "What a beautiful sight..". I'm quickly interrupted by a noise coming from the bushes. I quickly jump up and hide behind the big Oak tree. "She's not here damn you!,"a male voice said. "B-But she was here just-just a second ago!,"The other voice said. "Wait that voice!". The voice that almost always makes me angry... it's Martha's voice! But what does she want? I quickly push myself against the tree and listen to their conversation:

"Well, she's not here you egghead!,"The male voice said. "She mustn't have gotten far!,"Martha says. Hear footsteps quickly fading and I peak out to see if they are gone. And surely enough they have left. "What was that?,"I mumble. Why were they looking for me? I quickly make my way out of the forest and on to the village. Then to my surprise i hear shouts from the villagers. "There she is!". A guy with a gun quickly sees me and runs towards the the gun drawn. "Hold it!,"The guard shouts as I take a step back. I quickly turned around and started running without thinking. "I said halt!,"The guy said and shots at me. The bullet goes past my cheek and leaves a little wound on it. I looked back horrified and saw that the guard was closing in on me. I quickened my speed and dashed out of their. I hear the guy's roaring fading and i noticed that i had completely gotten rid of him. I quickly hide behind a big building as i hear more footsteps and voices. "We can't let her get away! We have to get the necklace!,"A man shouted and the others shouted loudly in response. "What do we do when we catch her?,"Another man asked. "We kill her! We can't let anyone know that there was a visitor from another world!,"A familiar voice said. "Natsu?!". "I fought you got along well with her what the sudden change of heart, Natsu?,"A man asked. "The village elder requested it...,"Natsu says before they split up and stared running in different directions.

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