The Match Against Teikoku Academy!!

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A day had past since the news about the match against Teikoku Academy and Tenma was dead set on finding Tsurugi, (Y/N) had been trying to control her power but luck was far away from her. Practice was starting and Tenma was nowhere to be seen, so (Y/N) decided to go looking for him since he was supposed to be her training buddy this practice.

Walking around school she noticed Tenma searching for something at the entrance, she hurried down and meet up with him. "What are you doing, Tenma?",She shouted as she ran over to him. Aoi, Midori and Akane had also gathered there. "Tsurugi? He just left",Akane said. "What? Where did he go!",Tenma shouted. Midori pointed towards a direction and Tenma dashed off. "I think",Midori said after Tenma dashed away. (Y/N) stomped her foot on the ground loudly and chased after him. "Tenma! Wait up!",She shouted after him. She chased after him until he finally stopped when he was out of breath. She stopped beside him and was about to put a hand on his shoulder. "That way!",He said and dragged her over the street and into the hospital.

Tenma looked around and spotted Tsurugi at the elevator, he called out to him and ran over but the doors closed before he could get closer. He took the stairs and (Y/N) was left in the room, out of nowhere a hand was placed on her shoulder. She leaped away from the person and turned on her heal to see Dr. Brown standing there. "Long time no see, (Y/N)",He said with a smile. She let out a sigh of relief. "What are you doing here? And how's your ankle doing?,"Dr. Brown asked eyeing her ankle. "It's all better thanks!",She said. "I'm actually here with my friend",she said. "Oh I see... well you're friend must be waiting",Dr. Brown said. "Yes and bye!",She said as she headed up the stairs.

She noticed Tenma standing outside someone's door. She walked over to him and scowled. Tenma was listening to what Tsurugi was saying. "Hmm, who's that?",She asked. Tenma wasn't listening to (Y/N) and that hit a nerve and she shouted. "Don't ignore me!!",She said and grabbed Tenma by the arm. That's when Tsurugi and the other boy turned around and saw them. "You...!",Tsurugi said. Tenma bowed his head and apologized, then he introduced himself, (Y/N) blinked in surprise. "So you're Tsurugi's teammate?",The boy in bed asked. "Yes",Tenma replied. "I hope you're getting along with him",The boy said. "Y-Yes, actually I came here for Tsurugi to-",Tenma tried to explain but Tsurugi wouldn't have it. "Come on, get out here",Tsurugi said and linked his arm with Tenma and dragged him out.

The only one left was the boy in bed and (Y/N). "Are you perhaps also a friend?",He asked and looked eyes with (Y/N). "Ah, yes. You can put it that way...",She said awkwardly. "What a cute friend he has",He said and chuckled. "Wha?!",(Y/N) said her face turning a hint of red. Another chuckle escaped from him. (Y/N)'s hand found a lock to tuck on. "What's your name?",He asked suddenly. "Ah... (Y/N) (L/N)..",She said as she tugged on a lock from her hair. "I'm Tsurugi Yuuichi, nice to meet you (L/N)-san",He said with a blinding smile. "Ahaha...same goes for you, Yuuichi-kun...",She said awkwardly. He chuckled again. "Is Tsurugi nice to you?",He asked. "Well...he has a bit of a temper and is really annoying and rude",She says. "Ah, I'm sorry for my brother he isn't the most sociable person around...",He said and rubbed a knee.

A silence filled the room. "So um...",She wanted to ask a obvious question but fought it kinda be rude. "You're wondering why I'm in the hospital?",He said. (Y/N) silently nodded. "Well it happened when we were young... Kyousuke and I were playing soccer at the park. When Kyousuke accidentally kicked the ball into a tree, he wanted to get it so he climbed up the tall tree but lost balance and....",He paused. "He feel?",She burst out. "Yes and I caught him but... I got hurt in the process",He said and rubbed his legs. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...",She said. A sad smile spread across Yuuichi-senpai's face. A silence filled the room until Tsurugi came back and practically dragged her out of there. She saw Yuuichi-senpai waving at her with a smile, she cracked a smile as Tsurugi pulled her out of the hospital. A silence overcame the two, Tsurugi dragged (Y/N) for a while by the hand. "Where are you taking me?",She asked. "Back. to. school",He said sternly. Yet another silence fell on them as he dragged her towards the school. "It looks like were a couple walking in town",(Y/N) thought.

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