The Entrance Exam For The Soccer Club

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

I stood there scratching my head as they all stared at me in surprise.
"What do you mean you don't have a home?!",Shinsuke asked eyes widened.
"Well you see i recently moved here and turns out that my alleged relative had become sick and passed away and someone had forgotten to inform everyone so I had come here without knowing he was gone",I just said something i read out of  a manga once.
They all stared at me in shock, i stood there nervously waiting for a response. "Please be fooled by it",i begged myself.
"I'm sorry to hear that", Aoi said.
"You know you can stay at my place if you want it's quiet big",Tenma suggested. "Is that really ok?", I asked.
"Of course",He said. "Than I'll take you up on that offer",I said and smiled.

Tenma started walking and i headed with him and the others we chitchated the whole way until we stopped in front of a big house. "Well my place is this way so...", Aoi said and waved goodbye to us. "And this is my place",Tenma said and pointed at the big house. "Wow you live here?",i said astonished. "I don't know whenever to call it old or shabby",Shinsuke said. "Shabby is a little over the top don't you think?", a women's voice said from behind us. I turned around and saw a woman with short dark green hair, with brownish-green eyes. she wears a long green sweater over an orange shirt and a long white skirt with a green horizontal line, along with black stockings and orange sneakers.
"I'm back",Tenma said. "Welcome back, Tenma", she answers with a smile. "You're mom?! She's so young!", Shinsuke shouted. Tenma started making weird moves, "No! Aki-nee is one of my relatives!, Tenma shouted towards Shinsuke. "And she's the landlord of this Kogarashi Manor!",he once again shouted. "I'm so sorry i called it shabby", Shinsuke said drastically. She chuckled. "I don't mind", she said. "Good job Shinsuke",i said. He slumped he's shoulders. She looked at me and then at Shinsuke then at Tenma. "Are these friends of yours, Tenma. "Yeah, this is Nishizono Shinsuke and (Y/N) (L/N). Shinsuke is in my class and (Y/N)......",he trailed off and then looked at me. "I haven't enrolled yet", i blurted out. "Nice to meet you both, Nishizono-kun and
(Y/N)-Chan",she said. "Oh and can (Y/N) rent a room here? She doesn't have a place to stay yet",Tenma asked. "Mm, Sure",she said and smiled at me. "Oh, i baked some cookies.",Aki-nee said. Tenma's face lite up, "sweet!",he said excited. "Shinsuke, (Y/N) you should have some too. Aki-nee's cookies are really great!",he said and looked at us. "Can we?",Shinsuke said. "Sure thing, Nishizono-kun, (Y/N)-Chan",she said. "Thank you!",i and Shinsuke said.

Tenma and Shinsuke went to another room, while Aki-nee showed me a cozy little room with a bed, a desk with a chair and a wardrobe. I looked around the room it was nicely cleaned and it looked cozy. "Sorry there isn't much here",Aki-nee said. "No, it's good i like it", i smiled at her. "Where are you're clothes?",she asked. "I honestly don't know",I said. I explained my "situation" to Aki-nee and she understood. "Well were probably the same size, you can share my clothes,Aki-nee said. "Thank you",i said happily agreeing.

-Time skip-

I woke up and saw that the clock was 5:54, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I got out of bed and put my uniform on, Aki-nee enrolled me in the school as my parent. So I was going to be enrolled today, i went to the toilet and brushed my teeth, Aki-nee had lent me things I'd need. I brushed my hair and put it in a ponytail, I wasn't so creative with my hair I kept it basic. I slipped into my slippers and headed downstairs, i walked in to the kitchen and Aki-nee stood by the stove and cooked up scrambled eggs. "Oh, good morning (y/n)-chan",she said when she saw me walking in. "Good morning Aki-nee",i said. "Could you help me set the table?",she asked. "Sure!",i said as she pointed where everything was.

Tenma came in to the kitchen and his face lit up when he sniffed in the kitchen. "Scrambled eggs?",he said. I nodded and he hurriedly sat down. We all sat down and started eating and talking about a few things. Tenma stood up when he finished, (Y/N), do you want to walk Sasuke before heading to school?",Tenma asked. "Sasuke?",i titled my head to the side. Not long after he asked, I stood in front of a dog house with a big dog staring at me. "Um are you Sasuke?",i looked at the dog and asked. He lifted his head and sniffed my hand which I had reached out to pet him with. Tenma walked out and put a leash on his collar thanwe headed out he showed me different places.

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