A Competition That Decides Everything

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-Tsurugi's POV-

I smirked at the girl who stood in front of me, that had just challenged me in a competition that decides the soccer club's future. But she was starting to regret saying anything I could see it clearly as I stared at her, so I asked if she still wanted to challenge me or chicken out in front of everyone.

Unfortunately she didn't chicken out but she looked a little uneasy but I didn't care as long as I do my job and get it finished. I took my position and the girl stood in front of me a bit shakey. I couldn't help but laugh at the sight that she was the one who challenged me, when she saw me laughing her face turned into a stern one. I started kicking the ball and she just watched it closely not moving, then she darted towards the ball as it landed on the ground. I kicked it up before she could get it, "Really this is all she got, so much for challenging me". She kept running towards the ball but failed to steal it from me, it was pretty fun watching her run around after the ball like a puppy.

I quite enjoyed the puppy running after the ball until i took a closer look at her right eye, sometimes it looked like it glowed. But I was probably just seeing things, so didn't pay attention to it I laughed and she got even more irritated by the seconds I fought she would snap any second but I didn't have time to do so. I stopped kicking the ball it landed between us I looked her straight in the eyes, i kicked the ball with force and it hit her in the stomach and she fell backwards. She held her stomach while glaring at me. "Stop it she's a girl",Otonashi-sensei said. But I couldn't care less she was to blame for challenging me to the competition in the first place. She got up and stood in front of me once again. "One more time!",she said.

I smirked and played with the ball and she came darting for it but this time her movements were different she was faster and more flexible, her right eye glowed a blueish color. Her speed increased drastically and she almost caught the ball from my feet but when I kicked it up she jumped up and stole it, the ball at her feet her righ eye turned back to it's normal color. She looked surprised when she saw the ball at her feet, I stood there shocked and Tenma came running up to her and took her hands and jumped up and down, "That was amazing you wore so fast, and you jumped so high up and stole the-", he held his stomach in pain before finishing the sentence. I stood there staring at her, she looked so happy it made me sick to the stomach. "Hey puppy". I called out to her, she turned towards me and I kicked the ball towards her with force, she's the type of person i hate the most just like Tenma. She was about to kick the ball away but she clutched her stomach in pain, I smirked as I waited for the ball to hit her, but just before it hit her a ball that came out of nowhere knocked it out of the way making it go past her head Instead.

A boy with short, wavy, grayish-brown hair and brown eyes. Wearing a soccer uniform with a captain band similar to the other players but in different colors.  "You guys. What do you think you're doing on the soccer club's sacred grounds?",he said. "Shindou-kun",
Otonashi-sensei said. (Y/N) looked over at Tenma and he said, "That person is....". "He finally showed up",I said smirking. "I am Raimon Jr. High's captain, Shindou Takuto. And these are...The Raimon Eleven, he said as a bunch of boys stood behind him. (Y/N) and Tenma looked at each other, then at them again. "What's going on?",she asked Tenma. "I don't know but I think that that's Raimon's captain",he answered. "I was playing soccer of course", I answered. Shindou glared at me and said, "a first-year with manners", he added as he walked on to the field. "Don't get so high and might just because you beat the second team!,Shindou yelled towards me. "I just played around with them",I said smirking. "Couch who is he?",he asked kudou. "Probably someone from fifth sector", Coach Kudou said. "Fifth sector?", Tenma said. Shindou looked stunned. "What did you come here for?", Couch Kudou asked. "To reform Raimon's soccer club",I said. "The whole lot of you are getting pitched with the rest of the trash",I added. "Let me introduce you to the new Raimon Eleven, I said snapping my fingers.

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