A practice match against whom?!

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-(Y/N)'s POV-

I stood by the mirror and looked at my right eye, it looked exactly the same as it always has. "But then what was that?".

-Flash back-

I felt a burning sensation in my whole body and it looked like the ball slowed down, i cast my eyes on the opponent's goal. The ball a few inches away going in slow motion in front of me. I had a urge to lift my foot so i did, i felt a force on it as the ball hit my foot then i turned my foot with the ball towards the opposite team's goalpost and with a little more force shot it with even more force towards the post as my foot landed on the ground it made a hole right were my foot landed. My right eye shining, and hair floating.

-Back to reality-

I sighed and looked at my dad's necklace lying on the nightstand. I picked it up and held it in my hand. "What in the world is this thing?", I thought. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, i hurriedly put the necklace away in my desks drawer and opened the door. Tenma was standing there, "Yes?",i asked him. "Can we talk?",he said. "Um...sure?",i answered and opened the door more for him to step inside. He sat down on the bed and looked around, i sat down on the chair. "So, what did you want to talk about?",i asked. "Well, it's about yesterday.....you know at the exam...",he trailed off. "What about it?", I said knowing exactly what he had to say. "What happened with your eye, and hair? And how come you could kick the ball so hard?!",Tenma suddenly started bombarding me with questions. "C-calm down!",i said. "Sorry...",he said and scratched his head. "And to be honest i don't know what that was either...",i trailed of and looked at my hands. "What do you mean?", Tenma asked and gave me a confused look. "It just happens. I don't know how but all that I know is that i get a burning sensation in my body before it happens",I explained. "A burning sensation?",Tenma titled his head. "Yeah i feel heat running through my body and then my eye starts stinging",I said.

-Time skip-

The bell signals the end of class and everyone stands up and bows to the teacher, Tenma and Shinsuke darted of to the soccer room. "Tenma, Shinsuke! Wait for me",Aoi called out and ran after them. But i was not going to the soccer room, I decided that i would go to the janitor because she had taken my stuff the first day I came here and switched to Raimon's uniform. It didn't take me long to find the janitor and ask for my clothes, we had to go to the janitors locker because she had put it there.

I make my way back to my locker and put my clothes in my bag then headed to the soccer room. When I got there everyone was introducing themselves, Otonashi-sensei saw me and asked me to introduce myself. I walked up to the other and introduced myself.
"I'm (y/n) (l/n), nice to meet you and it's good to be here," I bowed politely and lift my head. A long silence filled the room, until someone broke the silence. "Are you joining as a player?,"Someone said. "No, I'll be joining as a manager,hope we can all get along,"I answered. "Alright, it's our turn next," A boy with brown hair said.

"The third-years are the goalkeeper, Sangoku-Senpai," Shindou started introducing everyone. "Minamisawa-senpai, Kurumada-senpai and Amagi-Senpai,"Shindou said. "Nice to meet you," Sangoku-Senpai said. Everyone bowed including me. "Nice to meet you,"We said. "The rest are second-year," Shindou continued. "Kurama, Kirino, Hayami, Hamano, I'm the captain, Shindou,"Shindou lastly said. "And I'm the soccer club's counselor, Otonashi Haruna, This is Coach kudou,"Otonashi-sensei said. And once again we all bowed and said "Nice to meet you!". "And now, here are your uniforms,"Otonashi-sensei said and handed them soccer uniforms. "Aren't these uniforms for the first team?,"Tenma said shocked. "Normally, you'd start from the second team.... but after so many quite after the incident earlier..., Kirino trailed off. "Is this okay?,". "This doesn't mean you're officially on the first team yet," Kurumada-senpai said. "Okay, I'll do my best!, the first team's uniform...," Tenma said turning his head back to the uniform and holding it up lightly. I smiled until i felt a pair of eyes on me, I looked around the room and saw that both Coach Kudou and Tsurugi was looking at me. "This might be a bit to big for me," Shinsuke said and held the uniform up to eye-level. "Come to practice as soon as you've changed,"Shindou said and left the club room.

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