The Fixed Match Against Eito Academy #2

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"Don't worry, it's just one goal. We'll catch up to them! The two of us will do our best, too!,"Tenma said trying to encourage everyone, but they just stared back at him coldly. Then he turned to Shinsuke and said: "Right, Shinsuke?".  Shinsuke nodded in agreement. "He doesn't even know anything. Someone just tell him already!,"Kurama said. Shindou frowned to himself thinking something.

"Both teams are back in position! The match resumes with Raimon possessing ball! The point difference is just one point! Can Raimon catch up?". "Tenma, Shinsuke! You can do it!,"Aoi shouted. "Show 'em your hidden strength, Tenma!,"Midori yelled. Otonashi-sensei looked down looking devastated, (Y/N) whom had quietly been observing everything just kept quiet and focused on the match. Minamisawa passes the ball to Kurama whom passes it to Hayami. "The game resumes with Raimon's kickoff!". #7 stole the ball almost directly from Hayami. "And the ball gets stolen immediately!". #7 heads towards the goal and Tenma tries to steal the ball back but #7 dodges him. "Their newest addition, Matsukaze Tenma, moves up!. "Oh, but he's easily dodged!". "Is he really part of the first team?,"#7 says. He passes the ball to a guy called Yukiji. "There's the centering!". Shinsuke jumps in action and cuts off their pass shocking everyone. "But Nishizono cuts in!. "What are you trying to pull? Didn't I say that we would be dominating until we've made the second point?,"Eito's captain says standing behind Shindou, and in response Shindou frowns. Shindou calls out to Shinsuke who passes the ball to him. "The ball goes to Shindou! Will Raimon counterattack?". "Here it comes, Hayato!,"That woman says. The guy called Hayato stops and smiles, then he raises his hand and called out to Shindou. Shindou runs past him leaving him confused and the mother confused. The ball gets stolen from Shindou. "Kakizaki. Defense hissatsu technique ×2,"the Eito Coach writes down. "Their lead seems to be motivating them, because Eito Academy's offense stays strong!". And just like that they made a goal.

Everyone from Raimon is now putting their guard down making it easy for Eito Academy to steal the ball. Tenma seems confused when everytime the ball gets stolen, and then he seems to understand that something is off. Shindou stops and the ball hits him in the face. (Y/N) silently frowns then she says something. "How long are you going to keep it from them?,"She says. Otonashi-sensei looks at (Y/N) shocked. "He finally figured it out,"Tsurugi says. Eito Academy heads up the fields and passes the ball to another Eito player but he kicks it to far and the whistle for the first half blows. "There goes the whistle for the first half! It ends in 2-0 with Eito Academy in the lead!". Eito's captain exchanged a word to Shindou and walked off the field. "Everyone, we have your drinks ready, so get hydrated properly,"Otonashi-sensei says as everyone walks off field. They grab towels and bottles. Everyone looks down and (Y/N) can't help but sigh. "Why are you playing like that?,"A voice says. Everyone turns to Tenma who had said the words shocked. "Sangoku-Senpai and Kurumada-senpai, Amagi-senpai and Minamisawa-senpai and Kirino-Senpai, Kurama-senpai and Hayami-Senpai and Hamano-Senpai!,"Tenma calls everyone's names. "Captain! Why won't you fight them seriously?!,"Tenma walks up to Shindou. Aoi, midori and Akane wore shocked expressions. "H-Hey Tenma, what are you going on about?,"Midori says. "If you all play seriously, you can break down Eito's defense like a snap! So why?! Why are you holding back?!,"Tenma yells. Shindou frowned depend.

(Y/N) sighs loud enough for everyone to turn to her. "Don't you think it's time you told them the truth?,"She says leaving the team shocked. "It's okay to lose,"Otonashi-sensei says devastated. "I think it's time we tell you, but the score for this match has already been decided to be 3-0 as Raimon's loss,"She explains. "Already been decided?,"Tenma says and looks at Otonashi-sensei. "What do you mean?,"Aoi asks. "You know Fifth Sector, right?,"Otonashi-sensei says. "Yes, it's the place that manages Japan's soccer?,"Aoi answers. "Yes. But they don't just manage it, Fifth Sector also decides the scores for each game and notifies each school via a score order whether they win or lose". "They decided scores?,"Shinsuke questions. "Why would they do that?,"Tenma asked. "To protect order," Otonashi-sensei replied. "Order?,"Tenma said. "As you know, a school's merit in these times are based on how strong their soccer is. If it's weak, the school isn't even worth looking into. That's why Fifth Sector sends out orders, so that merit can be fairly divided among schools". Fairly?,"Someone asked. "As long as you obey their orders, you'll receive a winning game that allows you to adjust your school's reputation". "So that means...,"Aoi trailed off. "It means everything is fixed,"Midori shouts. Tenma looks at (Y/N). "You knew about this?,"he questioned. (Y/N) cast her eyes on the ground not replying. "Yes. That's why only a portion of those connected to soccer know about this. This is the reality behind soccer nowadays,"Otonashi-sensei replied to Midori. "That's wrong. Having scores set from the very beginning...That's not soccer!,"Tenma says. "What would you know?!,"Shindou yells. Everyone turned towards him. "What would you know about how we feel playing soccer? About how Sangouk-San feels having to let those shoots go in? Do you know how that feels?!,"Shindou says. "We want to play too! If we could, we'd go all out playing the soccer we love! But if we oppose Fifth Sector, we'll get soccer take from us! That's why we...!,Shindou says.

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