The Return Of 'Goggles'!!

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The clear morning sun dawned on the house as Tenma and (Y/N) got ready for school. Yet something unknown was about to twist their morning into something else. At the Fifth Sector Headquarters the Sector disciples were finished with a task that they were given.

"As you have ordered, we have made the changes to the Kanto region's A and B block lineups. But what'sthe purpose of this?",disciple 1 asked. "You don't understand?",the Holy Emperor said. The disciples looked closer and soon realized the purpose of this action. "I see",The disciple said with a smirk. The Holy Emperor had a smile-ish-smirk plastered on his face. "You've moved Teikoku Academy from B Block to A Block so that they can crush Raimon",The disciple said. "This will be interesting". The smile not leaving his face.

(Y/N) and her friends head off to school and gather at the "Raimon room". "Teikoku Academy?",Shindou said shocked. We had just received news that our next opponents weren't Aoba but Teikoku Academy that had been in the B Block. "B-But how's that possible?",(Y/N) asked. "It is, when it comes to the Holy Emperor everything is possible",Otonashi-sensei said. "I know that... but I've never heard of a team moving from A WHOLE block! I've seen teams going against other opponents in the same block. But like switching a whole block?! Is the Holy Emperor Alright?!",(Y/N) didn't even try to hide her displeasement. Arguments started filling the room and the members were clearly displeased of the decision. "They really want to crush us now..",I said and slumped down on the table. And just like that we had encountered a new obstacle.

Otonashi-sensei spoke up. "We were informed of these changes to the Block divisions this morning",She said. "Isn't it more like they went and changed Aoba and Teikoku around?",Hamano said. "They went out of their way to change the Blocks and have us go up against Teikoku Academy",Sangoku said. "That's the end of the line for our winning streak",Kurama said. "But... if we master that crazy power of (Y/N) don't we at least stand a little chance?",Tenma said. "Well...we don't know for sure...",Otonashi-sensei said. "It is possible",Coach Endou said. "Really, how?",(Y/N) asked. "That power of yours is really powerful... but I'm afraid that you can't really control it",He said. "True",(Y/N) said. That's when everyone got seriously disappointed. "But we can try anyway, right?",Sangoku said. "That's completely up to (Y/N)",Coach Endou said and everyone's eyes turned towards (Y/N). They were waiting impatiently for her answer. "But I was going to go on a little training vacation...",(Y/N) muttered to herself so quietly no one heard it. "What was that?",Hamano said. (Y/N) mulled over it before coming up with a decision. "Alright, let's use these powers of mine",She said. It looked like some weight had been lifted off everyone's shoulders. Otonashi-sensei let out the breath she was holding in and smiled. "We'll do some special training for you then",Coach Endou said. "Okay, I won't disappoint you!",(Y/N) said confidently. With that everyone got right to morning practice.

After classes had finished and a tiring pop quiz was out of the way (Y/N) went to change. She got on the field a little later than everyone else. "Teikoku Academy certainly isn't an opponent to take lightly. We'll need other plans to go up against them",Coach Endou said and (Y/N) hurried to stand with the others. "That's when Shindou came up to Coach Endou with a idea. "I'd like to try using Ultimate Thunder",He said. Everyone looked at him in shock. "Ultimate Thunder!". "The hissatsu tactics?". "Hissatsu tactics?",Tenma said confused. "We came up with it with Coach Kudou back in the day. If we used that, we should be able to break past Teikoku's ironwall defense",Shindou said. "But we've never been able to succeed in using it no matter how many times we tried",Hayami said. "And it's difficult if you don't have a striker who's strong enough to handle it",Hamano said. "What about (Y/N)?",Amagi said. "Yeah...but the problem is my kicks aren't really that strong only when my powers have "awakened" I can kick through a goal net and make a whole in the wall",(Y/N) said. Kurama frowned. "Yes we haven't been able to succeed in using it so far. But I want to give it a try!",Shindou said. "It's the second thing we've got to show Teikoku a thing or two",Kurumada said. "Okay, let's try it!",Sangoku said. Everyone agreed to it. "Then let's do this!",(Y/N) said. Yeahs filled the room but was cut by Coach Endou. "(Y/N) special training is awaiting you",He said. "Aha...haha",She said and scratched her head apologizingly.

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