The Second Match In The District preliminaries!

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I frowned and looked at Tenma and Shinsuke. Everyone was regaining from shock and i think my jaw had probably hit the ground. I looked over at Coach Endou and saw him actually smiling.  "Why is he smiling?! Is this funny or something?,"I said. Aoi put a hand on my shoulder, I looked at her and understood that I should sit down and so I did. "What is Coach thinking?,"I said. "I don't know,"Aoi said as we gazed at Coach Endou standing with his back turned to us."What is wrong with this guy?!".

"I was expecting him to try and stop us, but i didn't think he'd go this far, "Shinsuke said. "Not bad. We'll take it from here,"Captain Isozaki said. "Intresting,"Tsurugi said and smirked. "Then show me. Let's see if you guys can crush Raimon,"Tsurugi said and looked at Captain Isozaki.

"The National tournament that will decide the number one junior high school in Japan, Holy Road! This is the second match in Kanto's A black district preliminaries! In the opening Mannouzaka versus Raimon, Raimon loses their first point into seconds by an an unbelievable own goal! The score is currently 1-0 with Mannouzaka in the lead! Can Raimon catch up?!". Hamano glares at Tsurugi. "Tsurugi is the enemy. Which means we have a wolf in sheep's clothing here,"Kirino said. "It was obvious this would happen anyway, "Kurumada said. Shindou looked over at the bench and he's eyes landed on Coach Endou who was smiling.

"Shindou, if you're going to give up, now's your chance. You can still follow orders and lose this game at 1-0,"Kurama said. "No, my minds set up. We'll win Holy Road and get back real soccer,"Shindou said. "As if I'll let that happen,"Kurama said to himself. Sangoku frowned madly as he looked out at the field. "I won't let them score any more,"Sangoku said. Shindou looked at Tenma and he nodded, looked like they were up to something.

The whistle blew and the match started with Kurama giving the ball to Shindou. "The match begins with Raimon's kickoff!". Shindou eyed Tsurugi before making a back pass to Tenma. "What?!, "Kurama said in confusion. "Shindou makes an unexpected pass to Matsukaze! Matsukaze dribbles up the field!". The managers cheer Tenma on wishing him good luck and i sat quietly hoping this would go according to Shindou's plan. "Mannouzaka arrives to steal the ball!". A guy with greenish hair and black eyes and white pupils, and a white band on his face. Tenma uses his hissatsu technique to get past him and continues running. "Matsukaze sidesteps him!". But Isozaki steals the ball from Tenma and he moves up the field. Isozaki kicked the ball to the guy with white hair called Shirato. But the ball makes a loop and goes for Hamano instead and hits him in the face.

The whistle blew since the ball went outside the pitch and Tenma and Shindou runs over to Hamano. Isozaki smirks at Tsurugi who smirks back at him. "Hamano isn't getting back up! This is worrying! Is he alright?". Hamano gets back up and scratched his head in pain. Kurumada helped him up and he got up no problem. We sighed in relief, then i looked back at the field to see that Shindou looked at Isozaki. He noticed Shindou looking and turned to face him with a grin on his face. "Are they... doing this on purpose?,"I said. "What do you mean?,"Aoi asked and they turned to look at me. "Well, they do use forceful plays. The announcer said so himself, plus Fifth Sector wants to destroy Raimon's soccer club so they are probably trying to frighten us so we don't rebel,"I said. "That sounds like something they'd probably do..., "Otonashi-sensei said.

"The game resumes with Mannouzaka's throw-in!". The guy with the white strap on his face passed to a guy. He was about to kick it to another guy when Tenma runs to try and take the ball. The guy looks surprised and blinked once then he lowered his foot and smirked. "No! Tenma, don't!,"I shouted. But it was to late and the guy kicked the ball at Tenma's face. Then he passed it to another guy, he landed on his feet and looked at Tenma who lied on the ground in pain. It looks like Shindou understand what i have been worried about.

"As I fought...,"I said. Midori looked at me along with Akane, Aoi and Otonashi-sensei. "They are waiting for the last minute to make the most damage,"I said. "What?!,"Aoi said in surprise. "That can't be! Why would they do that?,"Otonashi-sensei gasped in surprise. "As I told you, they want to destroy Raimon's soccer club and this is how they plan on doing it,"I said. "Everyone be careful! They're planning to hurt us!,"Shindou shouted to everyone. "Seems like Shindou figured it out too,"I said. "Shin-sama~,"Akane said. "Just like last time!,"Shindou said and looked at Tsurugi who was smirking. "Now that you mention it that was what he did when we first met,"Aoi said. "So that's why they made those kicks!,"Kirino said. "It's to late realizing that now,"Isozaki said.

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