A Match Against Mannouzaka Jr. High!

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"I don't understand!,"Shindou shouted to Coach Endou. "By the way, Captain, "Tsurugi called out to Shindou. We turned and looked at him. "Just for your information... Your next opponent is Mannouzaka Jr. High, with a score of 1-0. Raimon loses,"Tsurugi said. "And why would you tell us that it's not like we will listen to the orders anyway...,"I said. "Well, only four of you...,"Tsurugi said and smirked. "You!,"I snorted at him. "Got that?,"Tsurugi said and walked away. "It's sounds like he's going to end the match exactly as order,"Sangoku said. "Of course he is, he's a Seed after all...,"I said and watched him go. "Th-Then let's listen to him!,"Hayami said and ran up to us. "If we start obeying again, the club might not get disbanded!,"Hayami said. "I don't know about that,"Kirino said. We turned to look at him. "If they keep overlooking our rebellious actions, it would be setting a bad example,"Kirino said. "Then that means we're already..., "Hayami said. "Raimon's soccer club is already in the trash bin,"Minamisawa said. "That can't be..." Hayami said.

"This is wrong!,"Tenma shouted. "Tenma!,"Shinsuke tried to stop him. "Getting punished for playing real soccer is wrong!,"He shouted. I looked down not able to look at him. "This shouldn't be happening! I'm sure soccer feels the same way!,"Tenma shouted. "Isn't this your fault in the first place? If you hadn't joined the club, this would've be happened,"Kurama said. "We all knew from the start that the system now is wrong. But we put up with it because we want to keep playing soccer! Stop trying to steal soccer from us!,"Kurama yelled at Tenma. "Steal soccer from you? I just wanted to play real soccer...,"Tenma said. "Hey! Watch your mouth!,"I shouted. "And look at the result you brought us,"Someone said. "All of us are getting soccer taken from us...,"Someone else said. "Don't be stupid!,"I shouted. "Because of you two!,"Kurama shouted at us. "I'm... taking soccer from everyone?,"Tenma whispered and looked at them.

"Coach Endou,"Minamisawa said and walked up to Coach Endou. "What is it?,"He asked. "I quit,"Minamisawa said. We all looked at him in shock. "Quite? Are you serious?,"Kurumada shouted. "Yeah, I can't play along with this anymore,"Minamisawa said. "Are you able to quit?,"Coach Endou asked. "Yes,"Minamisawa said and bowed farewell and walked away. "Minamisawa-san...,"Kurama said. "The one destroying Raimon's soccer club isn't Fifth Sector or Tsurugi... it's really you guys!,"Kurama shouted and looked at me and Tenma. "Ha?!,"I gasped in surprise.

"The opponent this time is pretty tough... Kidou, what would you do?,"Coach Endou said as he stood in front of the old damaged soccer room.
"Coach Endou?,"Shindou said and had appeared out of nowhere. "I was happy finally playing the soccer i always wanted to play,"He said and started walking towards Coach Endou. "I thought that if I continued to do so, it'll benefit everyone... Regardless of what happened to me,"Shindou said and stopped in front of Coach Endou. "As captain, I fought I was looking out for the whole club. But in the end, I was only looking out for myself. What should I do?,"Shindou asked he wouldn't look Coach Endou in the eyes. But once he did he had tears in his eyes.

"The reason why I came back to Raimon is because... I'm going to take down Fifth Sector,"Endou said. Shindou looked at Coach Endou in surprise. "You're serious,"Shindou said and looked at Coach Endou. "Soccer being used to garde a person's abilities isn't soccer,"Coach Endou said. "The way Fifth Sector decides results is not right,"Coach Endou continued. "Yes, sir,"Shindou replied. "But they're powerful. That's why I'm back in Raimon. To find teammates who will fight alongside me,"Coach Endou said. "Teammates... Then...,"Shindou trailed off.

Coach Endou nodded confidently at Shindou whom have figured out what Coach Endou had in plan. "What you can't do on your own can be changed by joining forces with others,"He said. "I want to change JHS soccer world with you guys,"he said. "Coach..., "Shindou trailed of surprised. "My heart is already set. All that's left is for you guys to choose what you want to do. Will you choose real soccer or give in to Fifth Sector?,"Coach said.

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