A Proposal From Fifth Sector?!

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"The match in Kanto's A block district preliminaries of Holy Road! It continues between Raimon, runner up for last year's Nationals, versus the famous Tengawara! With Shindou's elegant shoot, Raimon takes the first point!".

"Raimon appears to be acting on their words,"Kita said. "The morons,"Blondie said. "They caught to know what happens when someone opposes Fifth Sector,"Alien eyes said. "Then it's time we got serious too. For victory, "Hayabusa said and smirked. "Yeah,"Kita answered.

"This is unexpected,"One of Fifth Sector's minions said. The Holy Emperor smirked. "How interesting, "The Holy Emperor smirked a  evil a evil smirk.

The game resumes and Kita passes the ball to Hayabusa who moves forward. "Let's stop them!,"Shindou shouted and started running. "Okay!,"Tenma said and followed close behind. Everyone else looked at each other in disbelief. "Senpai, we have to stop them!, "Shinsuke said shouted to Kurama and Minamisawa. "Shindou goes to mark him!". "I won't be holding back,"Blondie said and tackled Shindou. "Captain!, "Tenma shouted. "Shin-sama!,"Akane shouted. "Shindou...,"I whispered hopping he was okay. "Nishinosora makes a forceful tackle! But no whistle!". The blondie called Nishinosora passes the ball to Alien eyes. "The ball goes to Andou!". He heads towards Hayami and shouts out for him to move. Before anyone can see it happening he tackled Hayami making him fall down. "Hayami!,"Shindou shouted.

Looking over at Tengawara's bench. I see that they are all smirking. Their Coach makes eye contact with me and smirked. "Tengawara is breaking through Raimon's defense! And now they pass!". "I'll stop them!,"Shinsuke shouted. But a guy with red hair that turns to spikes instead tackles him with his elbow. "Nishizono falls this time!". "Shinsuke!,"Tenma shouted out to him. They guy passed the ball to Kita. "The ball goes to Captain Kita! But Matsukaze is standing in his path!". "Tenma!,"Shindou and Shinsuke shouted at him. "Move,"Kita said. "I won't! I know about you guys,"Tenma said. "What is he going on about?,"I said and looked at Tenma.

"Tengawara is famous for soccer, and they are an amazing team who's always fought intensely with Raimon in the past!". Kita frowns, but keeps quiet. "Why would a team like that make unfair plays?,"Tenma questioned. "This is our soccer,"Kita spoke up. Tenma looked at Kita and he continued. "When you're ordered to win a game, you have to win!," Kita said and removed his foot from on top of the ball. He passed it to a nearby Alien eyes. "It doesn't matter how you do it!,"Alien eyes said and passed to Hayabusa. "Or what plays you use!". Hayabusa charges forward and knocks him away. "Matsukaze!, "Sangoku shouted. "Hayabusa goes deep into Raimon's end of the field!". Sangoku frowned as Hayabusa charges towards the goal. "Move back the defense line!,"Shindou pointed. But no one moved

"Well, uh...,"Hamano started. "Yeah,"Amagi said. "I don't want to get hurt anymore,"Hayami said. "Seriously!,"I shouted out. "Calm down (Y/N)!,"Aoi said. I clutched my teeth in frustration. "Guys...,"Shindou stopped and looked at them. "What's happening? The Raimon Eleven makes no move to answer Shindou's command! Have they gotten scared of Tengawara's rough plays?".

"You look pathetic, Captain. It's no use being God's Baton if you can't get anybody to move,"Tsurugi said. "Shut up!,"I shouted at him Midori and Aoi had to hold me from not hitting him in his ugly face. "The only ones resisting Fifth Sector are you three. How are you going to fight against 8 people who aren't on your side and 11 enemies?,"Tsurugi went on. "This time I will make you regret saying anything!, "I shouted at him. "What are you going to do? Hit me with a ball?,"He said and smirked. "Dang, this guy...,"I calmed down and sat back down.

"In that case, I'll stop them by myself If I had to!,"Shindou shouted and ran for Hayabusa. "What makes you think you can stop my avatar?,"Hayabusa said. "Your... Avatar?,"Shindou frowned. Hayabusa crossed his arms in front of him. "Come out, my Avatar!,"Hayabusa shouted. And then the black aura that I saw back when I first came to this world, it came out of his back and formed a bird or to be precise a Eagle looking creature. "Birdman Falco!,"He shouted.

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