Goodbye Coach Kudou... And Hello Coach Endou?!

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I was walking beside Tenma who seemed down. "Hey, Tenma...,"I said. Tenma didn't answer so I didn't say anything more, as we approached the building he stopped. "It's my fault...,"He said. I looked at him he was really looking down. "If I hadn't broken the rules maby Coach Kudou wouldn't have had to quit..,"He said. "Tenma, don't blame yourself!,"I turned to him and put my hands on his shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes. "This was bound to happen...,"I said quietly. He looked away and i let go of his shoulders looking down on the ground. "Coach Kudou...,"I whispered. "A new coach huh?...,"Tenma said and looked at the soccer building. "Yeah..., I wonder who it'll be?,"I said.

-Flash back-

"Coach!,"I shouted after him. He stopped and looked at me, a long silence fell over us. "Is it because of what happened on the match...,"I said. "No, I knew this would happen,"He said. "(Y/N), soccer is now a corrupted game. And I want you and the rest of the team to be strong and save soccer,"He said. "Save soccer? What do you mean?,"I asked. "If Fifth Sector keeps this up, then I'm afraid that people will end up hating it,"He said. "Why would they do that?!,"I asked. "Soccer games aren't supposed to have a score set. Soccer is a game that decides whom has better control of the ball, and who are good at teamwork,"He said. "Yeah, their orders aren't in soccer's book!,"I shouted. Coach studied me, then he gave me a sad expression. "Maby...just maby....someone out there will save the game..,"He said. He looked at me one more time before turning and walking away. I felt tears in my eyes. "If I only knew this would have happened...I...I,"I whispered. Then I looked up and stared at Coach Kudou's back. "I promise that we'll save soccer, and once everything is back to the old soccer days I want to learn soccer from you!,"I shouted.

-Time skip-

Everyone was practicing on the field, but they weren't concentrated. "Shin-sama's not here...,"Akane said. "Where do you think Captain is?,"Shinsuke asked. "Well... that shoot he made in the match against Eito must've...,"Tenma trailed off. "What's wrong?,"Shinsuke asked as he noticed Tenma was talking to himself. "Nothing!,"He replied and passed the ball to Shinsuke. "What a pathetic captain,"Tsurugi said and smirked. The three managers other than me glared at him. "What's wrong with you all? Concentrate!,"Kurumada said. "Say what you want,"Minamisawa said. "We just can't get into it,"Hayami said. "What?,"Kurumada said and looked at Hayami. "Well, the coach has resigned. And captain's not showing up,"Hayami said. Looked like something hit Kurumada hard because he went quite and looked down on the ground. "It's because he did all that unnecessary junk,"Kurama fought to himself.

"What's going to happen to the soccer club now?,"Hayami asked. "Coach Kudou still gave us freedom even when the reins on us were this tight,"Kurumada said. "But that won't be the same anymore,"Kirino said. Tenma looked down sad. "It's gonna be some guy from Fifth Sector, right? As long as we do whatever he orders,  it'll look good on our student records,"Minamisawa said and put down his water bottle on the grass leaning backwards. "And you're fine with that?!,"Kurumada said angry. "That's the point of doing soccer in school in the first place, isn't it?,"Minamisawa answered with a smirk. "No, it's not!,"I shouted. "What do you know,"He said and looked at me. "More than you think,"I replied. "So it's gonna be the same ni matter who comes, is that it?". "That's not true!,"Someone says. We all looked up at the stairs surprised. A man walked down. And when Otonashi-sensei saw his face it instantly brightened. The man walked past Tsurugi who watched him with his eyes. Otonashi-sensei smile widened even more as he walked closer. "Hmm....he looks familiar somehow...,"I said.

The man stopped in front of us had short brown hair that spikes up at the sides, and one single bang hanging over his forehead. He has big round eyes. He bas an orange headband that pulled everything up. He's wearing an orange shirt with a white collar, a white jacket with brown accents and orange stripes going down the sleeves, and dark blue jeans. 

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